TESTIMONIAL Stage 4 Breast Cancer Remission
Chantal is a 72-year-old woman who was originally diagnosed with breast cancer in July 2012. She took alternative measures including Blu Room treatments once or twice per month but the mass did not resolve.
In May of 2016, the tumor in the left breast showed lymphatic invasion and progression of the disease. Chantal proceeded with bilateral mastectomy in early June.
After the surgery she took a hormone receptor blocker and had radiation therapy, but no chemo. Nodules appeared and disappeared in her lung and she developed a lesion in her left femur that remained. These indications of metastases indicated her disease had progressed to Stage 4.
Throughout 2017, Chantal did more alternative therapy during which all lung nodules disappeared.
In July 2018, a chest CT scan showed four new nodules in the lungs. Chantal still had the ongoing lesion in the femur. She still only wanted to do alternative therapy.
In August 2018, Chantal began treatment in the Mercy Blu Room program with 3 times weekly sessions. In addition, she was treated with other alternatives like bioregulatory peptides and natural anticancer compounds. She had a follow-up PET scan in January 2019 which showed no abnormal metabolic activity in her body, indicating resolution of all metastatic disease.
Chantal was able to achieve remission several times through the last seven years through the power of her mind with the help of multiple alternative treatments. She knows none of the treatments would have helped if she had not addressed the attitudes she needed to conquer.
Chantal is confident her journey with cancer is permanently finished. To others on the healing journey, Chantal says, “Dig deeper and don’t give up!”
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD
Supervising physician, Mercy Blu Room program
Find additional Blu Room locations around the world.
Blu Room is an internationally registered trade and service mark of JZ Knight. Used with permission. US Pat.No. 9,919,162. Testimonials are not intended to make claims or even imply that the Blu Room can be used to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent disease. Testimonials have not been evaluated by the FDA or any other regulatory entity. Blu Room Enterprises, LLC makes no representations or warranties as to results, which may depend on numerous factors beyond the control of Blu Room Enterprises, LLC.
TESTIMONIAL Healing congestive heart failure and depression…
Healing congestive heart failure and depression
Rosa is 60 years old and has had congestive heart failure, chronic kidney disease, and high blood pressure since 2009.
When Rosa was first diagnosed with congestive heart failure, her ejection fraction, a marker for the hearts ability to pump blood was significantly reduced at 20% (normal is 55-70%). For a long time her heart failure presented as an untreatable cough and it was hard for her to even complete a sentence without coughing and gasping for air.
Rosa was seeing her cardiologists and receiving medical treatments. At times she was at odds with taking drugs, in part because she did not understand what was happening with her body medically and she wanted to do things more naturally.
For years Rosa would have intermittent improvement of heart function followed by exacerbations of heart failure requiring hospitalization. At her worst, she was only able to walk minimal distances due to severe shortness of breath and fatigue. Rosa also had been battling depression on and off for several years.
In June 2017, Rosa had a heart attack and was hospitalized again. Her echocardiogram showed an ejection fraction of 27%, diffuse lack of movement of the heart wall, moderate inability of the heart muscle to relax, and moderately severe leaking of her mitral valve. Her kidney function was significantly impaired due to progressive chronic kidney disease.
Rosa was discharged on multiple heart medications that she took faithfully. She still had a hard time with chronic shortness of breath and fatigue.
From May through December of 2018, Rosa participated in the Mercy Blu Room twice a week consistently. Gradually her mood got better and her energy improved. She was been able to do things without severe shortness of breath and her emotional resilience to stress greatly improved.
Rosa had a repeat echocardiogram in November 2018 which showed that her ejection fraction significantly improved to 47%, her ability to relax the heart muscle improved, and her mitral valve leakage improved as well.
Rosa is now exercising, her stamina and physical energy are the best they have been in years. Her depression has lifted. Her mood and outlook on life are much more optimistic. She attributes this remarkable healing to the Blu Room which she continues to use twice per week. She is now working on healing her kidney function and has the confidence to know she can do it
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD
Supervising physician, Mercy Blu Room program
Find additional Blu Room locations.
Blu Room is an internationally registered trade and service mark of JZ Knight. Used with permission. US Pat. No. 9,919,162. Testimonials are not intended to make claims or even imply that the Blu Room can be used to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent disease. Testimonials have not been evaluated by the FDA or any other regulatory entity. Blu Room Enterprises, LLC makes no representations or warranties as to results, which may depend on numerous factors beyond the control of Blu Room Enterprises, LLC.
VIDEO Blu Room + Health by Dr. Martinez
Blu Room presentation by Dr. Matthew Martinez at Benessere Blu – Rapallo (Italy) 30 October 2018In this video, Dr. Matthew Martinez introduces us to the Blu Room. Explains how the Blue Room works by focusing on the basic principles and showing how the isolated environment, the light frequencies, the music, the other frequencies
TESTIMONIAL Peace and Wellbeing
A beautiful testimonial from our local Blu Room ?
Joleene U.
During my first Blu Room session I was rather skeptical about it. And I had just lost my dear pet companion of 20 years and was lost in deep grief and depression. I was amazed how much my mood shifted for the better after the first session. I was still sad and grieving and the searing knife edge of pain was healed. So now I think of my dear one in a joyous place over the Rainbow Bridge looking out for me from his peaceful “cat heaven.”
I have had four more BluRoom experiences since then and each time I feel such calm, peace and strength. I am now focusing on reversing my diabetic condition of 20 years and have a deep confidence that the BluRoom sessions are benefitting me. I’m looking forward to my sixth session next Tuesday. I encourage anyone who might be thinking of trying a session to expand your wellness using this healing modality?
VIDEO Dr. Martinez visits BluRelax
A lovely testimonial from one of our very own local Blu Room clients!! ?
Q: What are you using the Blu Room for?
A: Chronic Pain, loser back and hips. Sleep issues.
Q: What changes in your body and or mind have you noticed since receiving Blu Room treatments?
A: The 2nd night after my first session I had the absolute best sleep of my life. That sleep has continued. In addition and most astonishing to me is the improvement in pain. My hips were literally a 20 out of 10 pain every morning. I have ZERO pain in my hips. I can’t explain it!!!!
Q: Do you have any thoughts or comments about the Blu Room Wellness Center staff?
A: So welcoming. Sara explained things well and everyone makes you feel at ease and never rushed.
Q: Are there any other comments you would like to share?
A: Making appointments is so easy with their app and text (reminders), I’m so thankful I found the Blu Room!
Blu Room is a trademark and service mark of JZ Knight. Used with permission. Patent Pending. Testimonials are not intended to make claims or even imply that the Blu Room can be used to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent disease. Testimonials have not been evaluated by the FDA or any other regulatory entity. Blu Room Enterprises, LLC makes no representations or warranties as to results, which may depend on numerous factors beyond the control of Blu Room Enterprises, LLC.
VIDEO Dr. Martinez at Univers Bleu Opening (2016)
TESTIMONIAL Blu Room… looking forward to life!
Healing congestive heart failure, chronic depression
Diana is 72 years old. In February 2018, she developed severe shortness of breath and chest pain. She thought she was going to die from fluid filling up in her lungs. She went to the emergency room and was found to be in acute respiratory failure, acute congestive heart failure with a heart pump ejection fraction at 40-45 percent (normal is 55+). The left atrium of Diana’s heart was severely dilated and she had atrial fibrillation with a rapid heart rate in the 140’s.
After she was stabilized and treated, Diana was discharged on higher doses of medications but she continued to feel the irregular heart rate from her atrial fibrillation, the shortness of breath with exertion, and the severe fatigue that made it difficult to do anything.
Diana had struggled with depression for much of her life. Prior to this episode, she was quite low with her mood and outlook on life. She started the Mercy Blu Room program in March 2018. Slowly but steadily her energy improved.
Her mood got better and Diana was able to mend relationships in her life that caused her much pain before. She noticed that coming to the Blu Room lifted the cloud of depression and changed her outlook towards her life. She was able to do more things, and feel less short of breath and less fatigued.
Over time Diana has been able to lower her blood pressure medications. She does not feel her atrial fibrillation any more when before there was this annoying presence of feeling the highly irregular heartbeat. Diana had a repeat echocardiogram in September 2018 which showed that her ejection fraction had increased to normal function of 63 percent. She still has a dilated left atrium and atrial fibrillation, but her heart rate is under very good control with a quarter of the medication dose that she needed in March.
Diana feels that the Blu Room helped her reconnect spiritually. Old patterns of emotional problems seem to not have a hold of her life and this has improved her wellbeing throughout. Her family has noticed marked improvement and she is able to enjoy her life with them.
Diana is not a woman of many words but she said of the Blu Room, “I have a greatly heightened gratitude for the Mercy Blu Room program and for Life itself.” Where before she was contemplating death due to her illness and depression, she now is looking forward to Life.
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD
Supervising physician, Mercy Blu Room program
Find Blu Room locations here bluroom.com/pages/locations.aspx
Blu Room is an internationally registered trade and service mark of JZ Knight. Used with permission. US Pat. No. 9,919,162. Testimonials are not intended to make claims or even imply that the Blu Room can be used to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent disease. Testimonials have not been evaluated by the FDA or any other regulatory entity. Blu Room Enterprises, LLC makes no representations or warranties as to results, which may depend on numerous factors beyond the control of Blu Room Enterprises, LLC.
VIDEO Dr. Martinez in Mülheim
Dr. Martinez speaks at Grand Opening from Blu Room in Mülheim (2016)
VIDEO Veteran and PTSD Relief
Vietnam Vet Dale Vaughn talk about the positive changes in dealing with PTSD brought about by Blu Room Therapy.
BLU COFFEE Wins Cupping
Premium Kona Coffee Wins International Cupping Competition
Blu Room-Infused Beans “Secret Ingredient” for Buddha’s Sanctuary
Premium Hawaiian Kona coffee Buddha’s Sanctuary LLC, with five farm single estate high mountain brands, earned the highest honors at the recent International Cupping Competition in Paris.
The prestigious contest was hosted by The Agency for the Valorization of Agricultural Products (AVPA), a non-governmental, non-profit organization in Paris. Buddha’s Sanctuary beat out competitors from around the world. In the estate division, one first-place gold medal was awarded to Imagine 100% Kona Coffee while two second-place silver medals were recognized for Kona Gold and Buddha’s Cup estates.
Buddha’s Sanctuary is a family owned and operated business located on Hawaii’s Big Island in the world-renowned Kona coffee district. Owner Christine Coleman built a Blu Room for her employee’s wellness program and then began experimenting with giving her coffee beans a Blu Room session. The winning coffee beans were infused in the Blu Room before roasting. The Blu Room is a patent-pending technology utilizing UV-B light, music and a unique octagon-shaped room to promote optimal healing and relaxation.
Coleman has seen growing interest in “infused” coffee products and began to experiment within her coffee beans. “Some coffee producers are big on infusing coffee with marijuana right now and there is also wine infused with coffee like Apothic brand,” she said. “Our three medal-winning coffees are the first UVB infused coffees in the world.”
“There are more than a thousand farmers and over 300 labels in the Kona District,” said Coleman. “Over the last 16 years, our family has achieved the highest award-winning coffees statewide so we decided to enter internationally.”
Driven by the Barista movements and the intensive promotional campaigns by major brands, consumers are now willing to pay more for a cup of coffee. They also expect a rich gastronomic experience. Unlike specialty coffee events where all the attention is given to the Baristas, the AVPA distinguishes the roasters directly from their countries of origin.
Cupping contests at the regional and international level have raised the standards for coffee production. Certifications and awards now grace package labels to help both retailers and consumers distinguish quality offerings. For the 2018 AVPA international competition in Paris, 117 entries were submitted by competitors from 25 countries all over the world on four continents ““ South America, Central America, Africa and Asia.
Coffee judges (cuppers) use 800 terms to describe coffee compared to an enologists (winemakers) who use 400 terms to describe wine. Coleman is the eldest Grandchild of the late Julio Gallo of E&J Gallo Winery and has been in agriculture all of her life. “At a young age I learned the importance of the Aina (land) with attention to detail in each and every step of the process. The Blu Room UVB process is the latest in future technologies for all coffee lovers to enjoy now.”
There is still time to order Buddha’s Sanctuary coffee for the holidays at https://buddhascup.com/.
Buddha’s Sanctuary offers coffee, tea, honey and a vacation retreat at their scenic location at Leleka’ae Waterfalls in the lush forests of Hilo.
Find Blu Room locations here bluroom.com/pages/locations.aspx
Blu Room is an internationally registered trade and service mark of JZ Knight.
Used with permission. US Pat. No. 9,919,162.
TESTIMONIAL Heart Failure and PTSD
Peter is 71 years old. In July 2018, he developed bilateral arm pain and sweats, then became unconscious. His wife started CPR and resuscitated him. At the hospital, three stents were placed into his left major artery which was completely occluded. The front and left part of his heart muscle were not moving at all. He had congestive heart failure with an ejection fraction of 30 percent (normal is more than 55).
Even with the stents, Peter required multiple antiarrhythmic medications. Peter experienced extreme side effects from medications that he described as a dark shadow and feeling like death itself was advancing against him. It took all of his focus to ward off that feeling of absolute blackness.
In the ICU his nurse asked if he was a student at Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment and he said yes. This nurse urged him to find a Blu Room and to go to it as much as he could after his discharge from the hospital. When Peter was discharged after 10 days, his heart’s ejection fraction was 43.
Within a couple weeks, Peter was able to participate in the Mercy Blu program and he went 3-4 times a week. He improved significantly but the level of emotional trauma from the sudden death was still present. The shadow would come to him during the night and he had to fight to focus it away. It left a sense of uncertainty and fear in both him and his wife.
Peter describes going to the Blu Room several times a week as a peaceful, serene, powerful support that is difficult to describe. It was the Blu Room that eventually dissolved the awareness and fear of the Shadow of Death, along with all of the associated post traumatic anxiety. Peter no longer has those attacks.
Peter says the Blu Room – through its profound atmosphere of healing – helped him reach a level of Peace that has become a lasting companion in his life. He describes seeing his life now through clean glasses, when he never knew before that his lenses were dirty.
Peter was able to lower some of his blood pressure and antiarrhythmic medications and his energy was coming back. He was able to be more active in his Cardiac rehabilitation program. He can undergo strenuous exercise without problems. His life has a level of serene appreciation and gratitude that emanates from his Being.
When Peter had his repeat echocardiogram in September, it showed that his left heart wall is moving normally, and that his heart pump ejection fraction had normalized to 56 percent. He also has normal systolic and diastolic function of his heart which is a fantastic improvement in only two months’ time.
Peter attributes his fast recovery and profound life change to the help in the Mercy Blu Boom program. Peter continues to improve in his health. Other areas like his knee pain and shoulder pain are also improving with physical therapy and Blu room. He is enjoying a new Life with his lovely wife.
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD
Supervising physician, Mercy Blu Room program
TESTIMONIAL Cervical Cancer… My Own Savior!
Following a cancer diagnosis, I chose to restore the balance myself, to be my own Savior!
I received a diagnosis of cervical cancer in March 2017.
I am now not only cured but my body rejuvenated and regenerates from day to day! I had some hair and white hair that turned brown; my view improved, my body is strong and flexible without training, I need less sleep, etc.?
Now I want to share my life to give people hope. My experience has taught me that everything is possible!?Je believes that any disease, even that encoded in our genetic code can be reversed!
I chose to stimulate the self-healing power of my body to save me.?J’ has activated the vital force that is in each of us! For me, it was the only way I really believed. My little voice told me it was my way to go. I refused the treatments proposed by the medical community: surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
On the other hand, I understand and respect people who use what the health system prescribed. If they believe it, it’s for them. I didn’t believe it.
So I jumped and believed in me?! In my body, in the power of my mind, the force of life, the intelligence of my cells!
I wanted more than anything. I love life, it’s a gift for me!!
I decided not to be scared??!
Sometimes my mind brought me back to my 2 Herbalists friends who died of cancer a few years ago. Sometimes my mind made me hear the voices of doctors again with their morbid sentence! But I was coming back to me.
I did a lot of research?to know which way to follow… and I also did a lot of introspection to know what caused the imbalance in my body and understand what my body needed.
Courage, discipline, perseverance and patience I had to have to get to a complete healing??! It took me about 18 months. My body chose to heal other things before healing what I wanted. I know that because I felt from the beginning of the process what was happening in my body. At First, I eliminated a lot of toxins through the skin, the lymphatic system and the intestines. Our planet is polluted and our body is filled with heavy metals and chemicals.
I had healing crises and it wasn’t “Jojo”!! my lymph nodes worked really strong; I had a red plate covering half my back (it was coming out this way); etc. But I was facing it and I was thanking my body for working like this! I knew he was doing his job.
I had to have a big surgery at the hotel God of Quebec in September 2017 with the only doctor in Quebec specialized to perform this surgery (she specialized in the United States). The day before surgery, I called to cancel. This decision was not cake?but I felt too strongly in me that my body was on the right track! From There, I haven’t had a doctor for several months.
I had to, too, for a while, cut ties with family and friends. This is because I felt their fear and it affected me. I wasn’t strong enough at that time to deal with that. I know several people felt injured. Thank you for your understanding.
Also, I didn’t want to talk about my health because I was doing a big job with my thoughts I believe that our thoughts, emotions, words and actions create our reality. So I was just getting drunk and talking like a healthy person.
I was going to dance by ignoring pain and I was basked the music and movements my body was doing!
I don’t think there’s a miracle recipe to heal. Everyone is different.. But there are basic principles. I’ve done a lot of things for my health and I still do a lot! So take what you’re talking about… those who know me well know I never do things half!
Now I keep taking care of my health because I feel my body rejuvenate! I feel like a teenager, my mind is clear; I feel an amazing well-being and energy circulates in me!??
Here are some elements I applied during my journey:
– fasting and half-fasting
– Alkaline Pure Water, structured and / or solarisée
– Organic food mainly raw and vegan
– freshly pressed juice by adding wild plants that I cultivated
– energy work (Blu room and polarity)
– Rest-Rest-rest
– exposure of my skin to the sun (Without Sunscreen) before 11 pm and after 15 h00
– avoid exposure to wi-fi, cell waves and microwave
– free me from the past, forgive, accept
– live the moment
– visualize, create what I want
– living emotions, not burying them
– breathing exercises to increase my vibration rate
– dancing swing and free movement
– laugh and have fun
– trampoline to stimulate the lymphatic system
– Infrared sauna
– brushing skin to stimulate lymphatic system
– Essential Oil, clay, castor oil
– listen to music frequency 432 Hz
– ancient wisdom practice: Nis-Gong, Jade Egg, mantras, sacred geometry, etc
– most important: love. Love of self, love of others, love of life!
I finally found a general doctor in an emergency clinic that was open-minded. Yay!! This is Sylvie Morin at the new world clinic. She could follow my general health condition but I needed a specialist! So. I met some gynaecologists, but they couldn’t help me because I didn’t want the treatments they offered me. They didn’t want to take responsibility…
I just wanted to have access to exams even though I knew my body had worked in the right place.
Finally, a gynecologist in a private clinic agreed to test me. These tests revealed that my genitals are in perfect health! The tests were analysed at the sacred heart hospital in Montreal.
During my journey, I was surrounded by extraordinary people and also attracted extraordinary people?certain brought me love, hugs, smiles. Others believed in me. Others brought me physical support to maintain my house. Others, organic food. Others shared knowledge with me, etc.
Words cannot express all the gratitude I have to these people??. I would like to thank my two friends, Israel borochov and Robert Duhamel,
Also, I send a burst of love to??
Annie Trudeau,,,,,,,,,,, Belzile, Didier Jean-François, all the dancers of swing Val-David, José Anne Johnson Bernier, Danielle Dumoulin, Michel Daigle, Ghislaine Tremblay, Leander, Nicole Dostaler, Katy Chauvin, mireille mokbel, Denise Chapdelaine, Marie-Laure Vachon, Nicolas ,,,,,,,,,, Aubin, changa charanga, Lucie Hamelin, Robert Johnson, Thierry casanovas and his team, DJ Neerav, flavie savignac, Antonin Savignac, Richard Savignac, Stéphane Ciarlo, marylene rabasse, Yvon Dubé, Daniel Robichaud, jz knight, Hugo Noiseux, rock larochelle, Garry Lee Tremaine, Janie Poitras, Dr. Sylvie Morin, Louise quenching, Matthew Martinez, andrée clément, Marie-Paule (Patrol), the entire team of Mont Tremblant Patrol.
Now I’m at the second stage. I would like to inspire and help people take care of their health and stimulate their self-healing power. I’m studying energy medicine and I’m developing my feelings of people’s energy.
Also, I continue to create my foster forest. To teach people what we can feed and heal with our beautiful Quebec Forest!
I believe in the autonomy and immense power we have buried in each of us!!!
TESTIMONIAL Shifts in the Blu Room
Beautiful testimonial from one of our regular Blu Room visitors?
Q: What are you using the Blu Room for?
A: The Blu Room has helped me manage balance in my life, and the ability to minimize stress and anxiety.
Q: What changes in your body and or mind have you noticed since receiving Blu Room treatments?
A: Empowered mind and spirit which has allowed my body to accept adjustments in my troubled ribs. It’s also given me the knowledge of listening to what my body is telling me it needs.
Q: Do you have any thoughts or comments about the Blu Room Wellness Center staff?
A: Sara and the Blu Room staff has been a powerful addition to my life.
Q: Are there any other comments you would like to share?
A: I would recommend the Blu Room for everyone. We all have intentions and self-improvements.
Sarah B
TESTIMONIAL Blu Pet Dog Dodges Surgery
No fluid buildup in heart sack!
Our dog Ramaya is an 11-year-old Golden Retriever. In June, we took her to the ER.
We learned she had a tumor on her heart and that fluid from the tumor had been filling the heart sack putting pressure on the heart. The vet drained the fluid and scheduled Ramaya for surgery to put a drain valve in the heart sack.
We started Ramaya in the Blu Pet while waiting for our surgery date. The day of surgery came and when they did an ultrasound, they found no fluid in the heart sack so they cancelled the surgery and told us to come back in two weeks.
Ramaya has done Blu Pet three times per week since July. She became more active and alert, happier and healthier. Each time we had an ultrasound, no fluid was found so they would extend the time before the next ultrasound.
Now five months since her initial diagnosis, Ramaya had another clear ultrasound with no detectable fluid around her heart sack.
Ramaya wakes up earlier and wants to play several times a day. Her mobility has also improved so that getting up from laying down is not difficult for her anymore.
Marthis and Tim
At Tyee Vet Clinic in Rainier, WA 360-446-8933
AndShiva Bluin Yelm, WA 360-458-5224
Blu Room is an internationally registered trade and service mark of JZ Knight. Used with permission. US Pat.No. 9,919,162. Testimonials are not intended to make claims. Testimonials have not been evaluated by the FDA or any other regulatory entity. Blu Room Enterprises, LLC makes no representations or warranties as to results, which may depend on numerous factors beyond the control of Blu Room Enterprises, LLC.
TESTIMONIAL Relief for Lung Cancer Survivor
Lung cancer survivor finds relief from pain and weakness”¦
My partner and I had amazing results after we each had ten treatments at the Blu Room of Centro Olistico Bluwave in San Piero in Bagno, Bagno di Romagna, Italy.
We had initially traveled to Italy from the USA to get Blu Room treatments to see if my partner could improve his mental and physical health.
My partner ““ a lung cancer survivor ““ was very sick and in pain at the time. After the Blu Room treatments, he completely recovered from his weak, painful condition.
We had many immediate health benefits and continued to see improvements daily from the treatments. His anxiety and depression completely went away, and he became energetic and lively.
As a result, he was able to accompany me afterwards on a rigorous 18-day tour around England and Scotland.
The technicians Giovanna, Denise, Antonella, and Daniela were very welcoming, competent, and knowledgeable about the benefits of Blu Room treatments that heal the body, mind, and soul through light frequency and sound therapy.
I highly recommend the Bluwave Center and the Blu Room treatments.
Verity Bostick
Find more Blu Room locations here bluroom.com/pages/locations.aspx
Blu Room is an internationally registered trade and service mark of JZ Knight. Used with permission. US Pat. No. 9,919,162. Testimonials are not intended to make claims or even imply that the Blu Room can be used to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent disease. Testimonials have not been evaluated by the FDA or any other regulatory entity. Blu Room Enterprises, LLC makes no representations or warranties as to results, which may depend on numerous factors beyond the control of Blu Room Enterprises, LLC.
VIDEO Dr. Martinez at Blu Life
Blu Room presentation by Dr. Matthew Martinez at Blu Life – Maranello (Italy) 28 November 2018 In this video, Dr. Matthew Martinez introduces us to the Blu Room. Explains how the Blue Room works by focusing on the basic principles and showing how the isolated environment, the light frequencies, the music, the other frequencies, and the geometric structure can influence and improve the quality of our life. During the presentation are shown the results of numerous scientific experiments. These results show how the geometric structure of the cells of the human body is directly related to the state of well-being/balance/harmony of the body and how this can be influenced and modified according to the frequency at which we are subjected. A part of the presentation is dedicated to the questions and answers. In this part, Dr. Martinez explains the benefits of the Blu Room on different diseases of the human body.
FOX 2 News Covers SAD and Blu Room Therapy
As we transition into the Fall and Winter months and begin to bundle up spending more and more time indoors our mood and health can be affected by the lack of Sunshine and resulting Vitamin D deficiency which for most of the population is actually a year-roundissue with the amount of time now spent indoors. Take a few moments to check out what Anna one of our long-term clientsays about the Blu Room and how it has helped her and her family.
TESTIMONIAL Couple Benefits from Blu Room
Testimonial from a Couple who travels from Tennessee just to come to theBlu Room Wellness Center?
Ana & Octavio
July 27, 2018
Q: What are you using the Blu Room for?
A: I’m using it because I have high levels of anxiety and fear and for a better concentration. My husband is using it to heal his high levels of anxiety and anger, he is also trying to lose some weight.
Q: What changes in your body and or mind have you noticed since receiving Blu Room treatments?
A: We feel happier, we can talk peacefully and we are losing some weight, we feel at peace. My hands use to be sweating all the time, I had tachycardia and use to eat all day all kind of junk food, but now my hands are completely dry, my I’m eating healthier and only what my body needs.
Q: Do you have any thoughts or comments about the Blu Room Wellness Center staff?
A: Oh yeah! Michelle is a very nice person, she is very gently and she is always will to help, she welcomed us with a big and beautiful smile. She was kind enough to book a session for us after normal working hours due to us traveling from Tennessee.
Q: Are there any other comments you would like to share?
A: This the best experience we ever had! We are so happy and thankful for the Blu Room! We absolutely will come back because even when we have to drive for hours we are sure it worth it. We highly recommend it! When you find the happiness you will never let it go!
TESTIMONIAL Back Pain and Blu Room Results!
A beautiful testimonial from one of ourBlu Room Wellness Centerclients!?
I was very skeptical about the Blu Room at first, being something I have never experienced before. But The Blu Room has definitely helped me in so many different ways. After my first few sessions, it helped with my lower back pain when I had 2 discs out of alignment. The Blu Room also helps me when I’m feeling anxious or nervous, It definitely calms me down and realigns my mental focus after a session. I even noticed my change in mood and how much happier I was after a session than before. Overall my experience at The Blu Room has been wonderful I would highly recommend to anyone. – Joe W
TESTIMONIAL Blu Room after 1 Year
I began working with the Blu Room Wellness Center in June 2017. After a year of experiencing the wonders of the Blu Room I wanted to share with others. My first few sessions were nothing extraordinary, I felt very calm and relaxed after each session, it was not until my 6 session until I began noticing substantial changes in my mental and emotional well-being. Energy and self-work were not a new thing for me, around 5 years ago I had begun exploring various energy healing modalities including Reiki, yoga, meditation, and would pick up any knowledge I could about mind-body-spirit.
One of the very first and lasting impressions of the Blu Room was how quickly I could release anxiety, daily stress, and old patterns. What would often take me an hour or more in mediation to achieve I was there in a matter of minutes in the Blu Room. As months passed and I continued using the Blu Room, triggers and situations that would have caused extreme anxiety for me drifted away, I was no longer tense in crowds and situations before that I would have responded in anger or frustration to was replaced with peace and acceptance.
My entire life was changing at a remarkable pace! Within a matter of months, the Blu Room was able to help me break through numerous barriers that had still eluded me even after 5 years working with various self-help programs. I was able to let go… of the past and things that had been limiting the happiness in my life.
During my sessions the experience often varies, some days I easily pass into a peaceful space, I quickly began to refer to as ‘the void’, other times I would stay present the entire session as various thoughts would arise and I simply became the observer allowing and gaining new understanding of parts of my past.
Some of the other changes I noticed earlier on in my Blu Room use I was able to tap into more of my empathic abilities which has been a beautiful gift in helping others as well, I also began noticing more people’s energy/auric field without trying. This was very exciting for me as I had become an admirer of Donna Eden’s energy work in the last few years.
My Blu Room experiences didn’t just stop there on various occasions I had gone into the session with pain and emerged with none. One of the more recent examples I had been exposed to some mold and it had settled into my sinuses, my ears were hurting at a 10+ that day and I was on the brink of going to an Urgent Care, I decided first to give the Blu Room a go… as I walked out of the Blu Room I had ZERO pain in my ears! Although more superficial, one of my other lifelong physical issues has been dealing with cystic acne, especially when I deter from my normal diet, in a single Blu Room session the painful cysts lessen, if not go away completely, and it’s has sped up the healing time of any surface acne/wounds as well.
These things only scratch the surface of what the Blu Room has helped me with so far. I am eternally grateful!!
– Michelle
Glaucoma… Changes in the Blu Room
Here is the amazing story of our mother’s eyes healing. Stella Del Nord Blu Room Lugano
Gabriella’s story…
On January 23, 2017 I had an eye exam and I was told I had a glaucoma in both eyes, along with too high eyes’ pressure:
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The doctor prescribed me some eye drops but I only used them for a couple of weeks because they made my eyes burn and weep. I usually have one Blu Room session a week. On March 25, 2018 I had a new eye exam:
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The glaucoma in the left eye had almost disappeared, the right eye glaucoma had clearly reduced, and the pressure in both eyes had normalized.” “”Mrs Gabriella Baron
Blu Room is an internationally registered trade and service mark of JZ Knight. Used with permission. US Pat. No. 9,919,162. Testimonials are not intended to make claims or even imply that the Blu Room can be used to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent disease. Testimonials have not been evaluated by the FDA or any other regulatory entity. Blu Room Enterprises, LLC makes no representations or warranties as to results, which may depend on numerous factors beyond the control of Blu Room Enterprises, LLC.
Take a Tour into the Blu… (2018)
Click the Video Below to Watch the Blu Room Tour at JZ Knights Yelm, Washington location….
Cutting-edge technology the Blu Room received its patent in 2018, an experience unlike any other. JZ Knight and Co-Founder Dr. Martinez brought to life this wonderful room that assists in creating a frequency the body can relax and the mind be shifted into new possibilities. 36 Blu Room’s currently exist worldwide, one of those we are blessed to have right here in Washington, Missouri, at the Blu Room Wellness Center we have people traveling from all over the MidWest and East Coast to experience the potential of the Blu Room.
Ready to schedule your Blu Room Session at the Washington, MO âž¡ï¸ Book an Appointment
The Blu Room is a patented technology that creates an atmosphere to insulate users from the outside world. It provides the user with a mind/body/spirit consciousness-lifting environment that can augment one’s state of personal wellbeing and creative focus. Users have reported a wide range of benefits including deep relaxation, relief from mental stress and anxiety, relief from physical pain, faster healing processes, increased creativity, and greater self-awareness. Blu Room® is an international trademark and service mark of JZ Knight. Used with permission “” US Patent Number 9,919,162
Blu Room Interview with JZ Knight (2016)
We are living in the future of technology, right here and now. Since this has been published in 2016 many more Blu Room’s have been opened and so many wonderful stories of changes in health and happiness. Have you experiencedthe Blu Room?
Jz Knight tells us about the unique Blu Room design in Part 1, including benefits of Ultraviolet Light Therapy and how the Blu Room assists the body and mind.
In part 2 a few more details about the Blu Room referredto as a “little slice of heaven” and how the Blu Room came to be.
Relief from Stress, Pain, Jet Lag and more… Interview with Spa Celeste
Our brilliant Susan at Spa Celeste on Mercer Island in Seattle was interviewed for Luxe Getaways travel magazine.
Listen to how the Blu Room can help with travel stress, jet lag, pain relief and much more! Tech professionals from all around the USA are loving the Blu Room. Cutting edge technology featuring Light Therapy, Sound Therapy, and the rooms unique geometry is making waves in the news and those looking for alternative ways to support their well-being. Currently, only five Blu Rooms are available in the USA including Yelm, Olympia and Mercer Island, Washington state, as well as the only in Mid-West Blu Room Wellness Center in Washington, Missouri.
Find more Blu Room locations here bluroom.com/pages/locations.aspx
Blu Room is an internationally registered trade and service mark of JZ Knight. Used with permission. US Pat. No. 9,919,162. Testimonials are not intended to make claims or even imply that the Blu Room can be used to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent disease. Testimonials have not been evaluated by the FDA or any other regulatory entity. Blu Room Enterprises, LLC makes no representations or warranties as to results, which may depend on numerous factors beyond the control of Blu Room Enterprises, LLC.
How much Vitamin D?!?
There are a few questions revolving around the whole Vitamin D buzz lately…How much? When to test? What is Vitamin D evenactually good for? We are going to address those questions here with additional resources fromDr. Mercola Natural Health and Grassroots Health. The Blu Room is a cutting-edge technology that allows your body to produce it’s very own Vitamin D by utilizing medicalgrade, narrowband UV-B light that mimics natural sunlight.
So, what is Vitamin D?
Know that this so-called sunshine vitamin is different from other nutrients because it also functions as a hormone – a switch that occurs when your body absorbs the vitamin. (1)
Vitamin D is fat-soluble, which means the body can only absorb it when consumed with foods that contain fat, like avocado, chicken, or peanut butter.You likely won’t be able to get enough vitamin D through diet alone. In fact, sunshine and vitamin D supplements are the best sources of this vitamin.
There are two main forms of vitamin D – vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 – and the difference between them has to do with their chemical structure and the way they’re manufactured. (1) Vitamin D3 is the natural form of vitamin D that the body creates from sunshine.
For the purposes of making sure you’re getting enough vitamin D, don’t stress too much about the type you’re getting through food or supplements, but keep in mind that at high doses, vitamin D2 is less potent than vitamin D3. (1) For this reason, your healthcare provider may recommend supplementing your diet with vitamin D3. Most adults need 600 international units (IU) of vitamin D per day for adequate bone health, but recommendations vary, and again, a number of factors can influence your recommended intake. (1) Elderly, pregnant, breastfeeding orimmune weakenedindividuals often need more Vitamin D to maintainoptimalhealth.
It’s best to have your Vitamin D levels checked as a regular part of your health and wellness routine.
How much Vitamin D do I need?
A key factor in knowing how much Vitamin D you need is to optimally have your levels tested every Six months, as people vary widely in their response depending on many factors including stress, age, and even weight. Your Vitamin D goal is to reach a clinically relevant serum level of 50-70 ng/ml and maintainthat level year round. Knowing your Vitamin D levels is oneof the most important tests you can take, so pleaseif you haven’t had your levels checked – we cannot emphasize the importance enough!

Image from mercola.com
Vitamin D in Disease Prevention
A growing body of evidence shows that vitamin D plays a crucial role in disease prevention and maintaining optimal health. There are about 30,000 genes in your body, and vitamin D affects nearly 3,000 of them, as well as vitamin D receptors located throughout your body. According to one large-scale study, optimal Vitamin D levels can slash your risk of cancer by as much as 60 percent. Keeping your levels optimized can help prevent at least 16 different types of cancer, including pancreatic, lung, ovarian, prostate and skin cancers. (2)

Image from Grassroots
Vitamin D and the Blu Room
A Blu Room session can help your body produce it’s own Vitamin D which can be utilized by the body better than most synthetic forms available.
A 20 minute Blu Room session, with 3 minutes of UVB provides a light-skinned person with the equivalent of around 10,000 IU of oral Vitamin D and around 5,000 IU for a tanned or darker skinned person, with 6 minutes of UVB provides a light-skinned person with the equivalent of around 10,000 IU of oral Vitamin D and around 5,000 IU for a tanned or darker skinned person, and with 9 minutes of UVB provides a light-skinned person with the equivalent of around 10,000 IU of oral Vitamin D and around 5,000 IU for a tanned or darker skinned person. (3)
Ask your health care professional to test your Vitamin D at your next checkup or stop by the Blu Room Wellness Center and we will help you with scheduling a Vitamin D test at a local lab. We are here to help support you wherever you are at any given moment!
(1) Havard T.H. Chan. School of Public Health. Vitamin D and Health.
(2) Mercola Natural Health. Dr. Mercola. Most everyone can use more Vitamin D.
(3) Blu RoomExperiencing the Future Building Bridges with Light, Frequency, and Sound. Irmgard Maria Graf. Print.
Dr. Martinez Talks about Peptides, Healing & the Blu Room!
Dr Matt talks about peptides and how to incorporate it in overall health.?
Posted by Matthew Martinez on Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Healing the Body and Mind
A quick 10-minute talk with Dr. Martinez about overall health and well-BEing from nutrition, to peptides and the Blu Room Light Therapy for achieving an optimal balance in your health. There is so much information out there regarding how to get well yet sometimes it seems so overwhelming to actually figure it out for yourself. One of the most important elements of health is our mental state of mind when treating any physicalailment we must take into consideration where our mind is at as well. The Blu Room can be a personal health game changer helping people relax and release built-up stress and trauma that can be lingering in the body causing residual health effects.
A little bit about us here at the Blu Room Wellness Center…We feel blessed to have been able to open the first Blu Room here in the MidWest, only an hour from St. Louis, Missouri, and four hours from Kansas City, Missouri in a peaceful town called Washington, Missouri. Along with offering the unique Blu Room Light Therapy, you can take a yoga class from Melissa with Present Moment Yoga, she has 15 years experienceleading all level yogi’s, as well as two Massage Therapist with truly healing hands. Stationed directly across from a Chiropractors office, we are truly here to help you take care of and balance your mind, body, and soul!
Chronic Open Wound Healed
Chronic Open Wound Healed in 2 Blu Room Sessions
Pat is 77 years old. In September 2017, she fell and ripped open the skin of her right lower leg, causing a 5 cm open laceration. Pat was treated with standard wound care by her healthcare practitioner. She then developed a nonhealing open wound that got infected, and she required oral antibiotic treatment twice. For months, the wound would not heal with bandages and topical treatment.
In March 2017, her wound was still open and had not changed much in appearance over the last 6 months. Pat started coming to the Mercy Blu Room program. She exposed the wound to UV light in the Blu Room. It took only two sessions for the wound to completely close. She still had surrounding erythema but that also quickly resolved.
The effectiveness of UV light therapy for chronic wound healing has long been established in clinical research studies. Prominent wound healing centers like the Advanced Wound Care Clinic at the University of Southern California utilize UV light for advanced wound healing with remarkable success. UV activates genes that influence cell division and immune responses. It also acts as a bactericidal agent and thereby promotes wound healing by diminishing the toxic effect of bacterial overgrowth on fibroblasts in the wound bed.
Pat now has a well-healed scar without any pain.
Ana Maria Mihalcea, M.D.
Supervising physician, Mercy Blu Room program
Find More Blu Room locations here http://bluroom.com/pages/locations.aspx
Blu Room is an internationally registered trade and service mark of JZ Knight. Used with permission. US Pat. No. 9,919,162. Testimonials are not intended to make claims or even imply that the Blu Room can be used to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent disease. Testimonials have not been evaluated by the FDA or any other regulatory entity. Blu Room Enterprises, LLC makes no representations or warranties as to results, which may depend on numerous factors beyond the control of Blu Room Enterprises, LLC.
BIG Relief after just ONE Session.
After 1 session, arthritis pain & back pain gone; PTSD symptoms greatly reduced!
A personal testimonial from Joe and Shirley:
We were a bit skeptical regarding the Blu Room’s ability to heal. To me, I felt the hype was on par with the Old West Medicine Man selling his magic potion. Boy was I wrong!
My wife, Shirley was the first to use it. She entered for a 6-minute session and exited after 20 minutes not realizing that she was resting 15 minutes after the UV lamps turned off. Upon exit, nothing was said.
My turn. Again, the timer was set for 6 minutes. I never heard the ding of the timer. Upon leaving some 20 minutes later, I was told that I had the biggest smile on my face. Needless to say, I was quite relaxed. For the rest of the day, I was in a complete relaxed state.
On our way home, my wife told me that the arthritis in her right hand was completely gone. That fact remains today, over a week later. Three days after her Blu Room experience, a large boil on her upper hip area was completely gone. Back pain she had suffered with for the last 6 months is gone.
As for me, my anxiety related to PTSD is significantly reduced. I have not had a flashback since my Blu Room visit. Prior to the Blu Room, sleeping through the night was difficult. I now sleep an entire night rarely getting up at all.
We are both believers and grateful for the experience!
Joe & Shirley D.
Find Blu Room locations here
Blu Room is an internationally registered trade and service mark of JZ Knight. Used with permission. US Pat. No. 9,919,162. Testimonials are not intended to make claims or even imply that the Blu Room can be used to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent disease. Testimonials have not been evaluated by the FDA or any other regulatory entity. Blu Room Enterprises, LLC makes no representations or warranties as to results, which may depend on numerous factors beyond the control of Blu Room Enterprises, LLC.
Washington State unveils NEW Blu Pet!!!
Blu Room’s latest development – a secure unit for small animals called Blu Pet. Blu Room Enterprise is working with a prototype unit to collect animal/owner data at our research facility in Yelm, WA. Another prototype will come online next week at Tyee Vet Clinic in Rainier, WA under the supervision of Dr. Ron Overlie, DVM. That’s Ron in the second photo below assisting at our facility last week with Lassie, our first dog client. Lassie came for a few sessions in our Blu Room here in Washington, MO we are excited that she has the opportunity to work exclusively with the pet unit! We saw so many great changes for Lassie when she was here, looking forward to more great results from the Blu Pet.
Dramatic changes in cholesterol and triglyceride levels with regular Blu Room use!
Check out the Video Below
Blood tests in September 2017 showed total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides “out of whack.” After four months of regular Blu Room use, follow-up tests showed dramatic changes for the better.
Find a Blu Room near you: http://www.bluroom.com/pages/locations.aspx
New View on Life | Testimonial
A: I came to the Blu Room initially because I was struggling with illnesses. I realized after going through treatments that the illnesses I was facing were the result of my own negative energy.
Q: What changes in your body and or mind have you noticed since receiving Blu Room treatments?
A: The Blu Room has helped me overcome some deep emotional and spiritual blocks that I wasn’t even aware I had. I now have peace in areas of my life where there used to be much anxiety and stress.
Q: Do you have any thoughts or comments about the Blu Room Wellness Center staff?
A: Everyone that I met at the Blu Room Wellness Center was a pleasure to be around. It was nice to be surrounded by like-minded individuals, full of positive energy.
Q: Are there any other comments you would like to share?
A: I drove 1,000 miles to get here, and I was not at all disappointed. I will definitely be coming back when I can stay longer!
Healing Journey with Type 1 Diabetes
A doctor’s case report
Jaime is 44 years old and has had a history of Type 1 diabetes since Age 24. Over the last 20 years his diabetes has been poorly controlled as reflected with high Hga1c values. HgA1c is a maker for average blood sugars over the last 3 months, the higher the value, the higher the average amount of glucose in the blood.
Normal values are 4.3 up to 5.8, 5.9 to 6.5 represent prediabetes and above 6.5 is considered Diabetes.
With averages of 10.7 like Jaime had often blood sugars after meals can reach values over 400 which can become dangerous for the individual.
The correlation of Blood glucose and Hga1c is illustrated in this table:
HgA1c | Glucose average |
6 | 126 |
6.5 | 140 |
7 | 154 |
7.5 | 169 |
8 | 183 |
8.5 | 197 |
9 | 212 |
9.5 | 226 |
10 | 240 |
Since 2013 Jaime’s documented Hga1c values have been at best ever at 8.6 in 2013 up to 10.7 over the years.
Over time the high blood sugars cause chronic changes in the walls of small blood vessels through the cascade of chronic inflammation, hence causing diabetic and accelerated aging complications like eye damage potentially leading to blindness, reduced kidney function, neuropathy which is nerve damage in extremities leading to numbness and pain and significant increase in risk of cardiovascular diseases like high blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes at a premature age.
Due to Jaime’s diligent work on personal healing, he remarkably has not developed any of the severe chronic diabetic complications that usually occur with Type 1 diabetes in patients with such longstanding uncontrolled disease.
Throughout his life, Jaime noticed that increased stress would make his blood sugars more uncontrolled and in turn, fluctuating blood sugar levels made his emotional state more labile. He is very clear that stress causes higher blood sugar values and increased low blood sugars emergencies. This is very consistent with research in brittle Type 1 diabetes in which patients suffer from erratic fluctuations of blood sugars from extremely low to extremely high. Research has shown that stress, depression and anxiety can make it difficult to control Type 1 diabetes. Stress can lead to acute resistance to Insulin, meaning the body is not responding to the Insulin therapy given. This effect can come on and disappear quickly and without warning, making it a challenge when needing to judge accurate insulin doses.
Studies have shown that treatment of depression and stress reduction through mindfulness techniques appear to help with these extreme fluctuations in Type 1 diabetes.
Jaime has been on twice a day long-acting insulin Lantus 20 Units in the morning and 14 Units in the evening and he uses 2-3 units of regular insulin with each meal, averaging 5 Insulin injections per day.
For a period of a few years, Jaime also took Blood pressure and cholesterol medications. In July 2017 his HgA1c was 9.5 indicating an average blood sugar of 226.
Jaime started using the Blu room in the last several years but sometimes did not go regularly. Even with less regular use, he was able to wean off Blood pressure and cholesterol medications, but his blood sugar control did not significantly change and remained uncontrolled.
Then in September 2017, he started going to the Blu room 3 times a week consistently. After this increase in maintenance Blu room use, he noted that his blood sugars stayed much more stable throughout the day and were in goal ranges in the mornings. Jaime felt that with the increase in his Blu room use he was able to cope with his stress level much better and noticed increased emotional stability, tranquility and deepened spiritual experiences. After Jaime noticed that his blood sugars in the mornings remained in a normal range, he was able to gradually decrease his long-acting insulin doses by up to 20% of his usual dose and maintain same levels of good glucose control, indicating that the Insulin he took was able to be utilized more efficiently. He also noticed fewer problems with extreme blood sugars, either high or low. Meanwhile, his lifestyle, eating habits, stress exposure, exercise levels ““ factors that can affect blood sugars, did not change.
Jaime had a repeat test 11/30/17 which was 7.1, indicating a blood glucose average of 154. This was an event that has never happened before in his 20-year journey of having Type 1 diabetes and medically is difficult to achieve in someone with his history unless using a continuous insulin pump. Given that he changed nothing other than using the Blu room regularly – this is a remarkable result.
Over the last few months, Jaime has been dealing with increased stress and his blood sugars have been going up again. He now has the experience and understanding that the maintained harmony and diminished stress response in his body over an extended period is what has allowed to regulate his blood sugars to this all-time low result – but it must be maintained by him. Jaime is determined to get back to using the Blu room 3 times a week regularly, so he can continue his improvement. He understands by personal experience that his journey requires patience and long-term commitment to ongoing self-care without a set time limit looking for instant results. Individual Healing comes in its own time and the importance of maintained stress reduction causing long-term harmony in the body cannot be overemphasized. Experiencing now through the Blu room that healing his Type 1 diabetes is no longer an elusive dream gives Jaime huge confidence and acceptance for further healing.
Ana Maria Mihalcea, M.D.
Supervising physician, Mercy Blu Room program
Find Blu Room locations here http://bluroom.com/pages/locations.aspx
Blu Room is a trademark and service mark of JZ Knight. Used with permission. US Patent No. 9,919,162. Testimonials are not intended to make claims or even imply that the Blu Room can be used to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent disease. Testimonials have not been evaluated by the FDA or any other regulatory entity. Blu Room Enterprises, LLC makes no representations or warranties as to results, which may depend on numerous factors beyond the control of Blu Room Enterprises, LLC.