Following a cancer diagnosis, I chose to restore the balance myself, to be my own Savior!

I received a diagnosis of cervical cancer in March 2017.

I am now not only cured but my body rejuvenated and regenerates from day to day! I had some hair and white hair that turned brown; my view improved, my body is strong and flexible without training, I need less sleep, etc.?

Now I want to share my life to give people hope. My experience has taught me that everything is possible!?Je believes that any disease, even that encoded in our genetic code can be reversed!

I chose to stimulate the self-healing power of my body to save me.?J’ has activated the vital force that is in each of us! For me, it was the only way I really believed. My little voice told me it was my way to go. I refused the treatments proposed by the medical community: surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

On the other hand, I understand and respect people who use what the health system prescribed. If they believe it, it’s for them. I didn’t believe it.

So I jumped and believed in me?! In my body, in the power of my mind, the force of life, the intelligence of my cells!

I wanted more than anything. I love life, it’s a gift for me!!

I decided not to be scared??!

Sometimes my mind brought me back to my 2 Herbalists friends who died of cancer a few years ago. Sometimes my mind made me hear the voices of doctors again with their morbid sentence! But I was coming back to me.

I did a lot of research?to know which way to follow… and I also did a lot of introspection to know what caused the imbalance in my body and understand what my body needed.

Courage, discipline, perseverance and patience I had to have to get to a complete healing??! It took me about 18 months. My body chose to heal other things before healing what I wanted. I know that because I felt from the beginning of the process what was happening in my body. At First, I eliminated a lot of toxins through the skin, the lymphatic system and the intestines. Our planet is polluted and our body is filled with heavy metals and chemicals.

I had healing crises and it wasn’t “Jojo”!! my lymph nodes worked really strong; I had a red plate covering half my back (it was coming out this way); etc. But I was facing it and I was thanking my body for working like this! I knew he was doing his job.

I had to have a big surgery at the hotel God of Quebec in September 2017 with the only doctor in Quebec specialized to perform this surgery (she specialized in the United States). The day before surgery, I called to cancel. This decision was not cake?but I felt too strongly in me that my body was on the right track! From There, I haven’t had a doctor for several months.

I had to, too, for a while, cut ties with family and friends. This is because I felt their fear and it affected me. I wasn’t strong enough at that time to deal with that. I know several people felt injured. Thank you for your understanding.

Also, I didn’t want to talk about my health because I was doing a big job with my thoughts I believe that our thoughts, emotions, words and actions create our reality. So I was just getting drunk and talking like a healthy person.

I was going to dance by ignoring pain and I was basked the music and movements my body was doing!

I don’t think there’s a miracle recipe to heal. Everyone is different.. But there are basic principles. I’ve done a lot of things for my health and I still do a lot! So take what you’re talking about… those who know me well know I never do things half!

Now I keep taking care of my health because I feel my body rejuvenate! I feel like a teenager, my mind is clear; I feel an amazing well-being and energy circulates in me!??

Here are some elements I applied during my journey:

– fasting and half-fasting
– Alkaline Pure Water, structured and / or solarisée
– Organic food mainly raw and vegan
– freshly pressed juice by adding wild plants that I cultivated
– energy work (Blu room and polarity)
– Rest-Rest-rest
– exposure of my skin to the sun (Without Sunscreen) before 11 pm and after 15 h00
– avoid exposure to wi-fi, cell waves and microwave
– free me from the past, forgive, accept
– live the moment
– visualize, create what I want
– living emotions, not burying them
– breathing exercises to increase my vibration rate
– dancing swing and free movement
– laugh and have fun
– trampoline to stimulate the lymphatic system
– Infrared sauna
– brushing skin to stimulate lymphatic system
– Essential Oil, clay, castor oil
– listen to music frequency 432 Hz
– ancient wisdom practice: Nis-Gong, Jade Egg, mantras, sacred geometry, etc
– most important: love. Love of self, love of others, love of life!

I finally found a general doctor in an emergency clinic that was open-minded. Yay!! This is Sylvie Morin at the new world clinic. She could follow my general health condition but I needed a specialist! So. I met some gynaecologists, but they couldn’t help me because I didn’t want the treatments they offered me. They didn’t want to take responsibility…

I just wanted to have access to exams even though I knew my body had worked in the right place.

Finally, a gynecologist in a private clinic agreed to test me. These tests revealed that my genitals are in perfect health! The tests were analysed at the sacred heart hospital in Montreal.

During my journey, I was surrounded by extraordinary people and also attracted extraordinary people?certain brought me love, hugs, smiles. Others believed in me. Others brought me physical support to maintain my house. Others, organic food. Others shared knowledge with me, etc.

Words cannot express all the gratitude I have to these people??. I would like to thank my two friends, Israel borochov and Robert Duhamel,

Also, I send a burst of love to??

Annie Trudeau,,,,,,,,,,, Belzile, Didier Jean-François, all the dancers of swing Val-David, José Anne Johnson Bernier, Danielle Dumoulin, Michel Daigle, Ghislaine Tremblay, Leander, Nicole Dostaler, Katy Chauvin, mireille mokbel, Denise Chapdelaine, Marie-Laure Vachon, Nicolas ,,,,,,,,,, Aubin, changa charanga, Lucie Hamelin, Robert Johnson, Thierry casanovas and his team, DJ Neerav, flavie savignac, Antonin Savignac, Richard Savignac, Stéphane Ciarlo, marylene rabasse, Yvon Dubé, Daniel Robichaud, jz knight, Hugo Noiseux, rock larochelle, Garry Lee Tremaine, Janie Poitras, Dr. Sylvie Morin, Louise quenching, Matthew Martinez, andrée clément, Marie-Paule (Patrol), the entire team of Mont Tremblant Patrol.

Now I’m at the second stage. I would like to inspire and help people take care of their health and stimulate their self-healing power. I’m studying energy medicine and I’m developing my feelings of people’s energy.

Also, I continue to create my foster forest. To teach people what we can feed and heal with our beautiful Quebec Forest!

I believe in the autonomy and immense power we have buried in each of us!!!