Healing heart failure and PTSD after cardiac arrest

Peter is 71 years old. In July 2018, he developed bilateral arm pain and sweats, then became unconscious. His wife started CPR and resuscitated him. At the hospital, three stents were placed into his left major artery which was completely occluded. The front and left part of his heart muscle were not moving at all. He had congestive heart failure with an ejection fraction of 30 percent (normal is more than 55).

Even with the stents, Peter required multiple antiarrhythmic medications. Peter experienced extreme side effects from medications that he described as a dark shadow and feeling like death itself was advancing against him. It took all of his focus to ward off that feeling of absolute blackness.

In the ICU his nurse asked if he was a student at Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment and he said yes. This nurse urged him to find a Blu Room and to go to it as much as he could after his discharge from the hospital. When Peter was discharged after 10 days, his heart’s ejection fraction was 43.

Within a couple weeks, Peter was able to participate in the Mercy Blu program and he went 3-4 times a week. He improved significantly but the level of emotional trauma from the sudden death was still present. The shadow would come to him during the night and he had to fight to focus it away. It left a sense of uncertainty and fear in both him and his wife.

Peter describes going to the Blu Room several times a week as a peaceful, serene, powerful support that is difficult to describe. It was the Blu Room that eventually dissolved the awareness and fear of the Shadow of Death, along with all of the associated post traumatic anxiety. Peter no longer has those attacks.

Peter says the Blu Room – through its profound atmosphere of healing – helped him reach a level of Peace that has become a lasting companion in his life. He describes seeing his life now through clean glasses, when he never knew before that his lenses were dirty.

Peter was able to lower some of his blood pressure and antiarrhythmic medications and his energy was coming back. He was able to be more active in his Cardiac rehabilitation program. He can undergo strenuous exercise without problems. His life has a level of serene appreciation and gratitude that emanates from his Being.

When Peter had his repeat echocardiogram in September, it showed that his left heart wall is moving normally, and that his heart pump ejection fraction had normalized to 56 percent. He also has normal systolic and diastolic function of his heart which is a fantastic improvement in only two months’ time.

Peter attributes his fast recovery and profound life change to the help in the Mercy Blu Boom program. Peter continues to improve in his health. Other areas like his knee pain and shoulder pain are also improving with physical therapy and Blu room. He is enjoying a new Life with his lovely wife.


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD

Supervising physician, Mercy Blu Room program