
Blu Room
The Blu Room is a healing experience like no other. UVB light and sound therapy combined make this experience a peaceful and relaxing respite from every day life.

Customized massage therapy services focused specifically on your needs including therapeutic techniques and relaxation.

Intuitive Bodyworks Sessions
A unique journey of healing and self-discovery! We tailor each session to your unique needs. There are no one-size-fits-all treatments here. Your journey is as distinct as you are.

Do you often feel overwhelmed and discouraged by the events happening in your life? I’m looking who want to invest their time, money and energy into THEMSELVES in order to start living the life of their dreams!

Gift Cards
Looking for that perfect gift for that special someone? Why not purchase a gift card they can use to treat themselves to a massage, Blu Room session or any of the services we provide?
New Offer!
Hospice Caregivers and those on Hospice now receive a special discounted rate for Blu Room Sessions! Click the button below to schedule an appointment and select the Military/Veteran/First Responder/Hospice rate.
The Blu Room®
UVB Light & Sound Therapy
Physical Pain Relief
Reduce Anxiety & Stress
Improved Energy
Faster Healing Time
Creativity & Awareness
Increase Vitamin D
We are here to support you where you are at any given moment.
To inspire you to trust in your own body’s innate wisdom in healing.
We are here to encourage you to be open to all possibilities.
When you believe it becomes possible.
What you imagine will manifest in your life.
Thoughts are things. Thoughts and words have real power.
Your body is listening to everything you think and say.
From the faith of a mustard seed, comes the power to move mountains.
So be it!
“ I have never experienced ANYTHING like a Blu Room Session! I’ve tried every natural therapy I’ve come across these last 20 years and nothing has affected my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual awareness like my Blu Room Sessions do”.
“The Blu Room Center is like coming home. Sara & Zoe listen with their hearts and hear what I don’t even know I’m in need of .”