Removing the shadows of heart failure, stroke, PTSD, anger, and more…
David’s heart attack was so severe, that on the way to the hospital he went into cardiac arrest. He was successfully resuscitated and required stents in two of his heart arteries. The sustained heart damage caused him to have congestive heart failure from severe ischemic cardiomyopathy with a heart pump fraction of 30%, normal being about 65%.
Only four months after this heart attack, he had a severe stroke, that left him with right sided weakness and expressive aphasia, the inability to speak – he had a vocabulary of 2 words – “yes” and “no.” After his stroke, he was in a rehabilitation center for a month. He has been doing speech therapy for the last four years.
David started using the Blu Room in July of 2017 and has been coming twice a week for more than 8 months, sometimes more often. He still has speech difficulties and his memory is affected, but he is doing a lot better. He must pause and find his words but is now able to speak in full sentences. Sometimes he has to try several times to say what he means before it comes out with the meaning he intended. His speech therapists are amazed at his remarkable progress.
He gets teary-eyed when he talks about his journey with the Blu Room. He says it is not because of his PTSD, he only killed one person in the war and was able to cope with the horrible things he saw – it took him about 8 years after the war to come to terms with his life. There was something else that happened.
David explains that he experienced the Blu Room as both negative and positive for 150 sessions. Then something happened to him in January of this year and since then all his sessions were positive. He says that it was not the Blu Room that was negative, it was that something in his being was out of sync. His body and mind were not in harmony and he could feel that for a long time. Then in the Blu Room in January he felt like his body, his age, and everything about him caught up with himself. After that, everything was all right.
His neighbor Helena notes that she was the one he came to when he had his heart attack in 2014 and she called 911. Having known him for many years, she describes David’s transformation over the past year nothing short of miraculous. She says David used to be a grouchy, grumpy man, easy to get angry and have a temper. In the last few months she notes that he is so sweet, completely transformed, moved to tears in his emotions and able to express them with the people around him. Helena notes this is not the old David. He is completely new, completely transformed, and unrecognizable from his old self.
David explains that the Blu Room can help you heal at your own pace. If you add to it by intentionally working on healing yourself and your attitudes, it can help you speed up your healing. He says he added to his healing by looking at this “negative” in his life – his “shadow” – this being out of sync with himself.
He explains that if you are adding more to your healing, then it will take even less time in the Blu Room until there is a time where the negative “issue” is diminished to “nothing.” The negative disappears, it just is gone one day. David says it depends on what you are doing and how you are in your own healing. That is what happened to David in the Blu Room in January. His negative disappeared to nothing, and what was left was Love.
He cries exhausted after he explained this, and the look in his eyes speak to a much greater understanding than he has words for. David describes that after January, the Blu Room helped him heal something that now is peaceful and calm, like a shadow that got lifted.
He cries because he has no words for what happened to him. How do you say that something in the depth of your being, that you felt throughout your life but could not give words to, but you could feel sitting there with every breath and that was like a nagging shadow? That is what got healed in David through the Blu Room. He can best express it in his eyes with his tears, and this thing that happened is bigger than words. And yet because it happened, he is now able to speak better, and his brain is continuing to heal.
David continues to improve, and he surrenders to his journey. He is scheduled to get an implantable defibrillator put into his heart soon due to his low pump function. A few months ago, he had some chest pains, but now despite his poor heart function, he does not have any symptoms of heart failure. He is accepting his journey and is doing what he needs to support his improvement, including following up with his doctors and continuing the Blu Room treatments.
– Ana Mihalcea, MD
Anna and Family’s Blu Room Updates
Since Anna’s first testimonial she and her whole family have been back for many more sessions. She’s provided us with an update on how her and family’s Blu Room experiences have been since last October. We love getting updates from our clients. It is beautiful how the Blu Room can help provide so much for each and every person, nomatter their age or any other circumstance.
Testimonial from April 2018
We use the Blu Room as a family to instigate cellular healing, it’s immune boosting capabilities, individual needs and to promote general feelings of peace and well-being. Our entire family enjoys Blu Room Therapy. We have successfully addressed maladies ranging from Vitamin D deficiencies to anxiety.
Our bodies continue to get stronger. My teen reports less headaches, my toddler really looks forward to her Blu Room adventures, my partner reports better sleep and general health, my anxiety has been greatly reduced, my Vitamin D levels are not longer deficient and my overall well-being has been dramatically increased, my vision has become sharper and appetite has returned.
Sara and Michelle are Earthly Angels. They are well-educated, excellent listeners, compassionate and experts of mind, body, soul healing! Being in their presence alone promotes feelings of peace and safety. They never leave a question unanswered, nor a stone unturned. They really do go the extra mile!
I find it really important the work the ladies at the Blu Room do. It is deeply comforting that my children can safely receive this therapy, from tot to teen to adult, a therapy that even pets can enjoy is critical in this day and age where medicine lacks holistic care paying no mind to the mind, body, soul connection the way the Blu Room, Sara and her staff do! I am so thankful this Therapy has found a home in Franklin County and I strongly encourage all to try it out.
Testimonial from October 2017
Q: What are you using the Blu Room for?
A: I took a Reams test because I was experiencing horrifying pain in my kidneys, legs, severe torso pain. These “attacks” did not register anything abnormal with ER tests, but the Reams analysis explained the pains so I am combining natural healing methods. Also want to heal from PTSD.
Q: What changes in your body and or mind have you noticed since receiving Blu Room treatments?
A: 1st Session on a Friday, all abdominal pains gone by Sunday. 2nd Session on the following Monday cleared up residual leg and bone pain. Also noticed all previous swollen (lymph) nodes were no longer swollen. 3rd Session on following Friday, that night I realized I was not squinting to see TV.
Q: Do you have any thoughts or comments about the Blu Room Wellness Center staff?
A: The staff at the Blu Room i
If you are interested in booking a Blu Room session give us a call at #636-432-1731 or schedule online anytime
PTSD & Blu Room Therapy
PTSD symptoms overcome in Blu Room!
I want to express all my gratitude to you.
The Univers Bleu culture:
Linda Deroy, owner of Univers Bleu has created a superb culture. The great generosity and remarkable involvement of Linda and her employees with each client greatly enriches the Blu Room experience. They take the time to welcome us, inform us about the potential of the Blu Room, answer our questions and coach us to maximize each session. This personalized approach contributes to the success of Univers Bleu.
Diagnosis: Severe PTSD, which involves a lot of anxiety, and invasive flashbacks.
Insomnia: Ever since I was very young, I suffer from insomnia. Since I started my Blu Room sessions, I now sleep at night. This greatly improves my quality of life.
Vitality: At the beginning of the treatments, I was extremely tired. Now, I have regained a lot of vitality.
Focus: My ability to focus has always been a challenge. Now, I can focus a lot better and longer.
Flashbacks: Flashbacks prevented me from functioning. I now have a lot less flashbacks. The other day, upon arriving at Univers Bleu, I was having powerful flashbacks. I entered the Blu Room, and when I came out 20 minutes later, I was peaceful. This is an undeniable result.
Serenity: I have always been in search of inner peace and serenity. Now, I can feel it in my body and in my mind. Never before, had I known this state of well-being.
Dream to realize: I had a specific dream that I wanted to achieve, but this dream awoke so many flashbacks, that I preferred to silence it rather than realize it.
It was a step-by-step process…
Step 1: I succeeded in eliminating some type of flashback, so I dared my dream again.
Step 2: A second type of flashback faded.
Step 3, The last week I managed to achieve this dream, without any trigger, and no flashback. It was a great VICTORY for me.
With all my heart big Thank you: With all my heart I want to thank the designers of the Blu Room, and especially Linda Deroy and her team. It is clear that the well-being of each client is important to them. The generosity and the implication towards each customer are remarkable. When you come at Univers Bleu, you feel the sincere desire to help you achieve a better life. My quality of life is changed. With all my heart, thank you very much.
Long live Univers Bleu.
Carole Aveline.
Maggie Beats Breast Cancer!
Survivor of breast cancer on how the Blu Room helped herheal and keep her strength up during her healing process.
Seborrheic Dermatitis Testimonial
I had a problem of seborrheic dermatitis which was torturing me for twenty years. It got worse last March. In addition to being ugly to see, I also had a lot of pain. My ear was burning a lot, inside my ear too, even just touching it hurt. I couldn’t sleep on my right side because my ear was hurting so much, My ear was very swollen and very hard.
I often had a liquid coming out of my ear like pus mixed with blood.I didn’t consult any physician because I didn’t want to take any antibiotics or other chemical medicament that I was certain they would prescribed. Eagerly I was waiting for the arrival of our Blu Room!
On July 3, I began with the Blu Room. I took 2 sessions close together after which I was very tired and weak. I slept a lot and I didn’t eat much. After a few days, the situation became absolutely better and the intense pain and burning sensation was almost gone. I’m still using the Blu Room 3 to 4 days per week.

Stages of healing.
-Diana in Switzerland
Find Blu Room locations here:
Doctor Case Report on Hyperthyroidism
Hyperthyroidism Case Report:
In July 2015, my wife Claudia was diagnosed with a type of hyperthyroidism called Graves’ disease. This is an autoimmune disease caused by an antibody called the TSH receptor antibody (TRAb).
These antibodies cause the thyroid gland to produce excess thyroid hormone T4 and T3. As a result, the thyroid gland is working too fast and causes following symptoms: irritability, muscle weakness, sleeping problems, fast heartbeat (palpitation), trembling of hands, intolerance of heat, extreme weakness, weight loss despite ravenous appetite, changes in the menstrual cycle, and enlargement of the thyroid gland. Claudia had all of them!
The blood results in July 2015 showed very low TSH, high levels of T3 and T4, and very high TRAb levels:
TSH — 0.01 (Normal = 0.3 – 4.5 mE/L)
Free – T3 + 15.23 (Normal = 3.23 – 6.47 pmol/L)
Free – T4 + 36.61 (Normal = 9.03 – 23.22 pmol/L)
TRAb ++ 4.1 (Normal = 0 – 1 U/L)
There are three main treatment options: medications, radioiodine therapy, or thyroid surgery if the first options do not work. I started to treat Claudia with the drug Strumazol at 3 tablets per day to block the formation of T4, which is only to treat the symptoms. A beta blocker was also added to the treatment to slow down her rapid heartbeat. With these drugs, her symptoms became partly under control but her condition was not cured. As long as the antibody TRAb is elevated, the disease is active.
This treatment is typically continued for up to two years. If during this time the TRAb goes back to normal levels the treatment is stopped. That happens in 50 percent of patients. The other 50 percent need either radioiodine therapy or surgery to have the thyroid removed. With either choice, the patient then needs a lifelong substitution of thyroid hormone. Understandably, we did not want the last two options!
Besides the conventional treatment, Claudia started complementary treatments: Homeopathy, food supplements, nutrition adjustments, frequency medicine, etc. As an RSE student, Claudia also started focusing on healing her thyroid gland.
From July 2015 to March 2016, blood investigations where done every month. The TRAb stayed elevated during that period with only two short periods when the value of the TRAb dropped to normal for only a short period of time and then elevated again.
In February 2016, we got the announcement of the opening of the first Blu Room in Europe. I immediately took the opportunity and booked for 4 days Blu Room retreat in Bad Mergentheim, Germany in March 2016. In those 4 days, Claudia went 5 times to the Blu Room focusing on healing.
In April 2016 (one month after her Blu Room sessions), the blood result showed normal rates of TRAb! This time the normal values of the TRAb persisted over the next several months which gave me the opportunity to gradually wean her off the Strumazol and the beta blocker. All of her symptoms gradually diminished and she regained normal and optimal health. Since her healing, Claudia visited the Blu Room in Italy once and recently a few times to the Blu Room in MÃ lheim, Germany.
From April 2016 to September 2017, blood investigations were done on a regular base. Her thyroid function stayed optimal and the TRAb values stayed normal the whole time. The last blood results date from September 2017:
TSH – 0.82 (Normal = 0.3 – 4.5 mE/L)
free – T3 5.11 (Normal = 3.23 – 6.47 pmol/L)
free – T4 16.90 (Normal = 9.03 – 23.22 pmol/L)
TRAb <0.3 (Normal = 0 – 1 U/L)
We now have a 1.5 years of follow-up after the healing with no relapse of the disease. Claudia’s symptoms are all gone and that she is in good health.
We are both very grateful for this wonderful healing.
Dr. Jo Linmans (MD)
Find Blu Room locations here:
Dogs Love Blu Rooms Too + Testimonial
Help with my German Shepherd. She was having trouble walking and bald spots from chewing on herself.
Q: What changes in your body and/or mine have you noticed since receiving Blu Room treatments?
She stopped chewing all the fur on the back of her legs have started to grow back in and she is walking significantly better. (She had a series of 6 sessions in a week’s time).
Q: Do you have any thoughts or comments about the Blu Room Wellness Center staff?
Staff is incredible – warm, compassionate, patient and helpful.
Q: Are there any other comments you would like to share?
Trust – Everything can be healed and rejuvenated. Anything is possible!
It was a great experience seeing Andrea’s German Shepherd be able to walk with greater ease, even after their very first session, she was able to stand up with more ease and support herself better by the end of the weeks sessions Andrea was not needing to help support her coming in and out. Our hearts are filled with so much happiness to see the extent of what the Blu Room can do for everyone!
If you’re interested in bring your pet in for a Blu Room session please contact us directly at the center to discuss as well as review our pet guidelines on our FAQ page.
Look forward to seeing you and your four legged family in the Blu!
UV Light taking to the Sky!

Boeing plans to use UV to make airplane lavatories much cleaner with UV light. Check out the full story here…
KING 5 News | March 3, 2016
Relationship between MS and Vitamin D
Reducing Inflammatory Markers in MS Patients With High-Dose Vitamin D
Numerous studies suggest low levels of vitamin D in the blood are strongly linked to increased risk of developing multiple sclerosis (MS).
The ground-breaking study published in the January 2016 issue of Neurology, showed that MS patients administered high-dose vitamin D (10,400 IU per day), supplemented over a six month period, had a reduction in the percentage of inflammatory T cells related to MS severity. Patients in the control group, who were given 800 IU per day of vitamin D, did not show a reduction in these MS inflammatory markers.
Compelling evidence has linked low vitamin D levels with increased risk for MS, and progression of MS in patients suffering from the disease. Our understanding of the importance of vitamin D in immune system modulation continues to unfold with each passing year.
Original article sourced from :
*VIDEO* Vitamin D what you need to know…
Did you know our own bodies Vitamin D can keep you healthy and is better than ANY vaccine and increases your immune system 3-5 times, join Dr. Prendergast in this 9 minute video to learn more about Vitamin D.
Blu Room and the sunshine vitamin… an essential ‘vitamin’ for our health and wellbeing.
A 20-minute Blu Room session with 3 minutes UVB provides the equivalent of 5,000 to 10,000* IU of oral vitamin D.
A 20-minute Blu Room session with 6 minutes UVB provides the equivalent of 10,000 to 20,000* IU of oral vitamin D.
A 20-minute Blu Room session with 9 minutes UVB provides the equivalent of 15,000 to 30,000* IU of oral vitamin D.
*depending on skin complexion
Regular Blu Room sessions could be one of the best ways to keep you and your family healthy year round! Call or book your session online today.
By Dr. Joe Prendergast, MD
*VIDEO* Peak Inside the Blu Room
Have you been curious what inside the Blu Room looks like…here’s your chance to take a look!! ?
Some of the most reported effects from the Blu Room include, relief fromphysical pain, reduction of stress and anxiety, and increased energy! It’s a great way to boost your Vitamin D levels and promote balance physically and emotionally. Anyone can use the Blu Room, even pets benefit!
Book your Blu Room Session today and experience the benefits yourself.
Blu Room Appears in Global Fashion Magazine
Blu Room Light Therapy technology hits the fashion world… take a look at this publication in Lucire. We are excited to see more awareness of the Blu Room and potentially the future of health and wellness!
TESTIMONIAL Astigmatism Reduced… Doctor Surprised!
Emilio Magni has had a strong astigmatism (a condition in which the eye does not focus light evenly onto the retina, the light sensitive tissue at the back of the eye) for 20 years. After 12 Blu Room Sessions, Emilio’s astigmatism is greatly reduced. His doctor was very surprised! Emilio’s corneas are now in excellent condition with no haze. The Doctor has even changed his glasses to a much lighter lens.
Below are the corneal tomography from March 2015 and in January 2017. In the 3.0 MM Zone (top boxes circled in green), you can see the astigmatism (Astig Pwr) decrease from 7.3 to 2.6. Emilio said this is the first time his astigmatism has decreased in the 20 years he has had this problem! Usually every year it got worse.
Blu Room…Healing, Peace, Empowers
A few words from one of our Blu Room users here at the Blu Room Wellness Center.
” I originally went to the Blu Room for peace and mental clarity. After I found out about the spot on my bladder I increased my visits. My most recent scan showed my bladder to be free of concern. I have no doubt that the Blu Room brought on healing energy I needed to clear my body of any unhealthy self. Every time I enter the blue room I have an immediate sense of peace that opens my heart and body to unlimited possibilities in my life. I always look forward to what my next visit will bring both physically and mentally.”
Eye Condition Healed!
Erika G. visited the Blu Room in Vienna, Austria and healed the eye condition diagnosed as strabismus, also called crossed eyes among other terms, is a condition in which the eyes do not properly align with each other when looking at an object, which she had lived with for nearly 10 years even after trying corrective surgery.
Here’s a few words from Erika, “I’ve had a lot of experiences with conventional medicine with doctors. I decided to heal me, myself. I handed it over to God. Yesterday, August 31, 2017 in the Blu Room, I was laying North-South orientation. I experienced an energy flow from my feet to head. That was everything. At the end I sat up, opened my eyes, and let the Blue light have an effect on my retina and that was the moment when I realized that I can see in a normal way. I realized that I am really able to see normally.”
A Spectacular Blu Room Healing Story
Below is a testiment from another Blu Room location overseas, where a gentleman had been diagnosed with erosive osteochondrosis (a self-limiting developmental derangement of normal bone growth). Between first diagnosis in 2013 to first Blu Room sessions in 2015 to completly healed in 2016…this is Falk’s story.
Falk lives in Germany. He is in his 70s.
In 2013, Falk developed intense low back pain radiating into both legs. A bone scan and an MRT revealed osteochondrosis at his second lumbar vertebra. Below, Falk describes what has happened to him in the last six months:
December 2015 I received the message that a Blu Room in Bad Mergentheim will be established. I created my year 2016 in the CYY event and manifested for me to move to this beautiful spa town. In March 2016 I was 12 times in the Blu Room. The changes in my general condition struck me as impressive. At first, when moving in my new apartment the handling of partly heavy packing boxes caused me effort and backache. I felt me exhausted and drained. Already since the beginning of the Blu Room visits, I felt a significant improvement in the vitality and energy, the pain became less and less. And in the end I was pain free. My back pain in the lumbar region previously described now no longer existed. The setting up of the new apartment was easy. I felt full of vitality. Climbing the stairs to my apartment was normal again. In short, I felt like in a “fountain of youth.”
Now the results of recent medical tests. A CT scan of the chest and abdomen on 06/16/2016 showed that the erosive osteochondrosis is no longer detectable. Comparing the images from the 01/28/2013 and now 06/16/2016, it is no longer visible. An even more accurate PET/CT taken on 06/30/2016 confirmed these findings of the healing the erosive osteochondrosis!
Everywhere I go in whichever ambulance and clinic whatsoever I am the messenger of the Blu Room. I talk with physicians. I present the flyer of the Blu Room and show my healing pictures.
For more Blu Room information and locations you can also visit Blu Room Enterprise
Blu Room Challenge Final Recap
What’s the Blu Room Challenge?!
We are going back a bit to share our first Blu Room Challengers experience, just in case you missed following the updates on Facebook. For the Challenge, we asked for 3 individuals that would be willing to share their past story and experience for the duration of the 12 total Blu Room Sessions that would be completed over a 3-4 week time frame.
Let’s Introduce the ‘Challengers’
Sheryl is a 44 yr old female who was diagnosed with Lyme disease and has been bed ridden on and off since the tick bite. She can go nights without sleep due to severe pain. Sheryl is hopeful that the Blu Room will help reduce her pain, inflammation, improve her quality of sleep increasing her energy level and overall balance of emotions.
David is a 56 yr old Veteran who’s had his large intestine removed as well as two spinal fusions while serving his country. Since leaving the military David has struggled with depression, daily pain and headaches. David reports that he is merely existing. What he wants most of all is to have the desire to live again – to be able to fully enjoy his wife and new grandson.
Carol is a 57 yr old female diagnosed with Leukemia and an enlarged spleen. She has received radiation to treat her spleen and is currently receiving chemotherapy 3 times a week for Leukemia. Carol currently is experiencing fatigue and has a rash on her legs. She would most like the Blu Room to help support her immune system as her body detoxifies and restore her overall health.
Week One Results
Sheryl :I would say I am fairly happy with my first week of the Blu Light Room. I had a herxheimer reaction (“A die-off reaction, also called a Herxheimer reaction, can occur when treating the Lyme germ, some co-infections, and yeast. It occurs as bacteria or yeast die during antibiotic treatment.”) after my second treatment and a very mild herxheimer after my third treatment but I am feeling pretty good. I slept great the first 2 nights after my first treatment but not so great since, but I was having the herxheimer reaction so that is pretty normal for me. I do feel I’ve had some more energy and am excited to see what the next sessions bring.
David :He has reported after each session decrease of overall pain and depression levels. Upon David’s third treatment day he came in with a throbbing headache it was non-existent after the Blu Room session. Reported having the best nights sleep in months or even years after the second treatment. “As always, it is a nice, calm, peaceful experience. It has helped already.”
Carol :This week I have felt better than I have in 2 months. After the first session on Monday I had more energy and felt like doing things I hadn’t in awhile. On Wednesday after chemo I didn’t have the fatigue I normally had after treatment and didn’t even need a nap that day. The rash on my legs is slowly going away and I overall I just feel good. My mind feels clearer and I have a more positive attitude about my health. Looking forward to this coming week.
Week Two Results
Shery :After 6 sessions, I am starting to see healing signs in my body. I have a neuroma on my thumb from an injury back in June and since starting the Blu Room I have noticed it has less pain and I am finally making progress with physical therapy for it. Anything I used it for I would have sharp pains in it and while I still have the pains occasionally it is much less now. I also had a sore on my arm that wasn’t healing regardless of what I did (I was finally thinking I needed to see a dermatologist for it) and now it is completely healed. I love how I feel and the energy I have after my sessions. I haven’t seen a huge increase in energy all of the time yet but I do notice small signs of healing happening in my body and that is exciting to me!
David : Shared that he’s been out and about more in the last week plus and been headache free over a week. Excited for the positive results… During his sessions he has also noted he’s able to let his mind go and went to a nice peaceful trip, feels completely relaxed and totally recharged after his Blu Room sessions, and has an open mind, open spirit.
Carol :This week has been another really good week for me. I was a little disoriented on Monday after the first visit of 6 minutes of the blu light, but that evening I was so focused I got things organized that I had been dreading doing. I have been a lot clearer in my thoughts and have felt like doing things again. I continue to have much more energy than before and just feel more like myself. The fatigue is basically gone after treatment and it feels so good to be able to watch my granddaughter play soccer, go out to lunch with friends, or help my son get things ready for some renovations. I don’t think I knew how really bad I felt until I started feeling better.
Week Three Results
Sheryl :This week has brought a difficult week for me. I think my body has been working super hard to heal and I have been extremely fatigued and not feeling well. I have several hours of great energy after my sessions and get extremely tired in early evening. I do love how relaxed I feel after a session. I wish it would stay all day, but I am hopeful with future sessions that will happen! Sheryl has remained at 3 minute session through week 3 as she has consistently experienced healing shifts, so opted not to move up in time.
David :At the end of the third week David gave us the following feedback from his week. My depression is much better, headaches are almost non-existent, and my sleeping has doubled in length and consistency all night (originally reported CPAP registered approx. 3/4 hours before awaken last was reading 7 hours and 45 min). “(I) always feel better and more relax after my session.”
Carol :I have had another really good week. My energy is still really good and I have been able to participate again in things that I had let slip because I was just too tired. I have noticed that my spleen has shrunk a little which is great. My mind is clearer and I get a lot more things done and I feel more like myself. At the beginning of the week Carol noted, “I just feel better overall since coming here.”
Light and Stress Recovery
New research shows that blue light helps us recover faster from stress.
Researchers at the University of Granada subjected participants to short-term (acute) social stresses similar to having to meet a deadline for work or having a holiday dinner with family. The results demonstrated that after acute stress blue light accelerates relaxation compared to normal white light.
After performing a stressful task, participants were sent to lie down in rooms with either blue or standard white light. For the test group, the relaxation time was approximately three times faster than for the control group.
Most benefits of blue light reported in the journal literature have been based on the subjective perception of participants. In contrast, this study focused on objective assessment of physiological measurements of the effect of blue light (test group) or white light (control group) during a relaxation period after acute stress was induced in the participant. Heart rate and brain activity were monitored throughout the whole session.
“We conclude that the blue lighting accelerates the relaxation process after stress in comparison with conventional white lighting.”
Read more in journal… read more…
Health Breakthrough with Blu Room!
I finally had my breakthrough in my health recovery. I am super excited to share this with you. I had my H1C blood test done last weekend while visiting my family in Mexico. This test shows the overall glucose levels in the cell over the last 3-month period.
Last July, my lab tests showed all my levels and organs functioning at normal range, except my pancreas and glucose metabolism, with a H1C level of 9.4, which is very high. I self-corrected and refocused after receiving that test and continued with two Blu Room sessions per week.
Last week, my new lab test for H1C came out at 7.1! I had never reached this level, which is only 0.1 away from normal. It decreased two and half points which is unheard of. It is extraordinary. H1C is measured on a logarithmic scale (like earthquakes) so this was an extraordinary decrease. Given my previous results over a long period of time, my doctors had said it would be very unlikely I ever reach 7.
Thank you,
Jaime Leal Anaya
Rainier, WA
Find more Blu Room locations here
Blu Room is a trademark and service mark of JZ Knight. Used with permission. Patent Pending. Testimonials are not intended to make claims or even imply that the Blu Room can be used to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent disease. Testimonials have not been evaluated by the FDA or any other regulatory entity. Blu Room Enterprises, LLC makes no representations or warranties as to results, which may depend on numerous factors beyond the control of Blu Room Enterprises, LLC.
Ayurvedic Seasonal Recipe
Turmeric, or haridra in Sanskrit, is bitter, astringent and pungent in taste. In ayurveda, each taste has a relationship with the balance of the doshas. Turmeric contains balancing qualities for all three doshas: its “hotness” balances Vata and Kapha; its dryness and its pungent and bitter tastes balance Kapha; and its bitter taste also balances Pitta; making it tri-doshic!
Turmeric has many positive benefits: it supports detoxification for the liver; promotes a healthy response to allergens and a healthy immune response; assists digestion; helps purify the blood; and promotes health of the lungs, circulation and nervous system. Turmeric contains curcumin, a flavonoid which supports a healthy inflammatory response, thereby promoting general well-being.
Ingredients :
1 cup organic whole milk (can be substituted with almond or hemp milk)
1 tsp. Organic Ghee or coconut oil.
¼ to ½ tsp. organic turmeric powder (or small knob fresh root)
Pinch of ginger (or fresh), cinnamon, nutmeg, and cardamom powder.
Raw honey to taste.
Directions :
1. Warm milk in a small pan over low-medium heat, stirring occasionally.
2. Once warm, slowly add the ghee and spices while continuing to stir. Mix until there are no chunks and the powder has fully absorbed into the milk. Tip! Hand blenders work great to create frothy texture!
3. Remove from heat and let cool to a drinkable temperature. Once the temp has cooled to about 110 degrees, add a small spoonful of honey to the desired sweetness.
4. Top off with a sprinkle of extra cinnamon or use cinnamon stick.
5. Enjoy!
Update from Carol our Blu Room Challenger
Updated Testimonial from Carol
Remember Carol with our first Blu Room Challenge? Diagnosed with Lukemia earlier in 2017 she made great progress with her energy and healing during the challenge. After finishing the challenge she went from receiving 3 sessions/week to only receiving 1 session, where she immediately realized how much the Blu Room sessions were helping her maintain her energy and overall well-being through her Chemotherapy treatments.
Once Carol received news of her upcoming Stem Cell transplant she opted to increase the number of sessions per week to almost daily. The progress and changes she noticed after the increase were steadily increasing as well. While her physical energy continued to increase, Carol also noticed her skin complexion was improving, night glare while driving had improved, basal eye cell had fallen off the second week into daily sessions, overall sleep throughout the night was “really good”, had a deeper sense of peace, gratitude and surrender emotionally and the nurses who administered the Chemo treatments commented on her overall healing and energy through the last part of treatments.
Carol’s Lukemia is now in remission and currently awaiting her final stem cell transplant to ensure her best health in the future. We have been so happy to see Carol’s improvements physically and emotionally throughout the last few months and ourselves feel an overwhelming gratitude for being able to provide Blu Room Light Therapy in Washington, Missouri.
Read more about Carol’s experience during the Blu Room Challenge…
Blu Room Challenge Carol’s Healing
A brief introduction…Carolis a 57 yr old female diagnosed with Leukemia and an enlarged spleen. She has received radiation to treat her spleen and is currently receiving chemotherapy 3 times a week for Leukemia. Carol currently is experiencing fatigue and has a rash on her legs. She would most like the Blu Room to help support her immune system as her body detoxifies and restore her over all health.
Week One…This week I have felt better than I have in 2 months. After the first session on Monday I had more energy and felt like doing things I hadn’t in awhile. On Wednesday after chemo I didn’t have the fatigue I normally had after treatment and didn’t even need a nap that day. The rash on my legs is slowly going away and I overall I just feel good. My mind feels clearer and I have a more positive attitude about my health. Looking forward to this coming week.
Week Two…This week has been another really good week for me. I was a little disoriented on Monday after the first visit of 6 minutes of the blu light, but that evening I was so focused I got things organized that I had been dreading doing. I have been a lot clearer in my thoughts and have felt like doing things again. I continue to have much more energy than before and just feel more like myself. The fatigue is basically gone after treatment and it feels so good to be able to watch my granddaughter play soccer, go out to lunch with friends, or help my son get things ready for some renovations. I don’t think I knew how really bad I felt until I started feeling better.
Week Three…I have had another really good week. My energy is still really good and I have been able to participate again in things that I had let slip because I was just too tired. I have noticed that my spleen has shrunk a little which is great. My mind is clearer and I get a lot more things done and I feel more like myself. At the beginning of the week Carol noted, “I just feel better overall since coming here.”
Carol has decided to keep with Blu Room treatments to further her healing… stay tuned for more updates in the future!
Who’s Who…Meet the Doctor!
We are pleased to have a Naturopathic Doctor here at the Wellness Center, if you have not had the opportunity to meet Dr. Tiffanie Jones we certainly recommend taking a look at her website and booking a session to get a clear view on your health for 2018. Here’s a little bit about Dr. Tiffanie Jones in her own words. “After working in the St Louis natural health industry for 14 years I found myself ready for a change. It became clear to me that people would like to have a doctor whose focus is preventative care. After soul searching, I realized that my desire is to help others, and my passion is plants. After much research, I set off for Seattle Washington to visit Bastyr University. As I pulled down the entrance, through the comforting tunnel of old growth evergreens, I peered upon the medicinal and food gardens and I knew I was in the right place. I made it my mission to complete the many science based prerequisites in addition to my Bachelor’s in Horticulture and Agribusiness and found myself accepted into a new community. During 5 years of medical training I had the pleasure of being a part of providing care to cancer patients along with free clinics for seniors, homeless women, and indigenous people in Santa Catarina, Guatemala. Eager to learn as much as possible, I took additional classes in botanical medicine, craniosacral therapy, kinesio taping, homeopathy, flower essence, and pain management using Scenar. I also enjoyed learning about healing and ceremony from the perspective of Native American and Celtic traditions. I loved living in the Pacific Northwest and am happy to have moved back to my hometown. I plan to bring a different type of health care to St Louis. A medical perspective along with a holistic point of view. Seeing a person as mind, body, and spirit rather than just lab values and symptoms. I look forward to creating a space for people of all walks of life to restore free of judgment.” -Dr Tiffanie A Jones
Dr. Tiffanie Jones is available by appointment every Wednesdays 8AM to 6PM her services include Live Blood Cell Analysis and Nutritional Holistic Consultations, please visit for booking an appointment today.
Medical miracle: Extraordinary image showing premature baby receiving light therapy
Bathed in a ultraviolet light, this tiny baby is being kept alive by the expertise of Britain’s world-class medics.
Born prematurely, its small body not yet developed enough to keep it alive, the infant is suffering from severe jaundice.
With a special machine providing oxygen to the baby’s lungs, and tubes feeding fluid and drugs into its veins, a powerful UV lamp is used to break down the harmful toxins building in the skin – doing the job the baby’s undeveloped liver has failed to achieve.
The picture, taken in the Starlight Neonatal Unit for premature babies at Barnet Hospital in north London, is shortlisted for this year’s Wellcome Image Award for medical and scientific photography.
*VIDEO* Blue Light Treats MRSA Infections | By Dr. Saputo
An article published in November of 2013 in the journal, Photomedicine and Laser Surgery, documented that using blue light therapy at both 405 and 470 nm was effective in vivo to treat skin infections in rats infected with MRSA.
New Cancer Therapy: Ultraviolet Light
Journal of Clinical Oncology, Vol 34,
No 15_suppl (May 20 Supplement), 2016
Researchers at the University of Texas San Antonio have developed a way to kill cancer cells using ultraviolet light. They used the technique on one of the most aggressive cancers: triple negative breast cancer. This type of cancer is also one of the most difficult to treat. The new technique may also help cancer patients with hard-to-reach or inoperable malignant tumors.
The therapy involves injecting a chemical directly into the tumor, then shining a UV light on the tumor. This causes the tumor cells to become highly acidic and die. In just two hours, up to 95 percent of the cancer cells can be eradicated.
Unlike chemotherapy which affects all of the body’s cells, this technique targets only the tumor making it a very precise therapy. The researchers hope that this noninvasive cancer therapy will help doctors get rid of the most challenging tumors such as ones located in the spine, brain stem, and aorta.
Read full article here
The Relationship Between Vitamin D and Insulin Resistance
Source: Mercola.Com
Vitamin D is a steroid hormone that influences virtually every cell in your body, which is why maintaining a healthy level is so important. But vitamin D is equally important for your heart, brain, immune function and much more. For example, there’s an important connection between insufficient vitamin D and both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.
Research showing this link includes but is not limited to the following:
- Animal studies have shown vitamin D is a foundational factor necessary for normal insulin secretion and that vitamin D improves insulin sensitivity
- One study involving nearly 5,680 individuals with impaired glucose tolerance showed that vitamin D supplementation increased insulin sensitivity by 54 percent
- The mechanisms by which vitamin D reduces insulin resistance include its effect on calcium and phosphorus metabolism and by upregulating the insulin receptor gene
Incidence of several types of cancer could also be slashed in half, or more. Recent research reveals raising your serum 25(OH)D to 40 ng/ml can slash your risk of invasive cancers by 67 percent!
Most of the researchers specializing in vitamin D agree that sensible sun exposure is far better than vitamin D supplements which do not provide the same effects as the vitamin D your skin makes in response to UV exposure. However, chances are you’re simply not getting enough sun exposure to raise your vitamin D level.
Vitamin D and other Strategies to Promote Flexible and Healthy Joints
Exercise: Most people have little appreciation for how powerful low-impact exercise can be in supporting joint function. Vigorous low-impact exercise like walking is beneficial for your joints, as well as for cardiovascular, pulmonary, and other systems in your body. It’s simply a myth that you can “wear down” your knees just from average levels of exercise or normal activity. In fact, inactivity causes your muscles to become weaker and actually works against optimal joint flexibility and comfort.
Achieve your optimal weight: One of the outstanding benefits of exercise is its ability to help you achieve and maintain your ideal weight which is highly beneficial to your joints. Each additional pound of body mass increases the compressive load over your knee by roughly 4 pounds. Losing weight reduces the load on your joints and makes it easier to exercise, and exercising helps you lose weight and supports your joint health.
Eat a higher quality diet: Eliminate sugar and starchy carbs from your diet. And definitely stop drinking soda. These foods do absolutely nothing to support healthy joints or a healthy body. In fact, their potential for damage is well documented.
Optimize your vitamin D levels: Vitamin D also supports a healthy immune response. During the fall, winter, and early spring in most of the U.S., Canada, and Europe, your vitamin D levels can drop precipitously. If your levels fall, you give up the support this vitamin offers for your joints and your whole body.