Source: Mercola.Com

Vitamin D is a steroid hormone that influences virtually every cell in your body, which is why maintaining a healthy level is so important. But vitamin D is equally important for your heart, brain, immune function and much more. For example, there’s an important connection between insufficient vitamin D and both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.

Research showing this link includes but is not limited to the following:

  • Animal studies have shown vitamin D is a foundational factor necessary for normal insulin secretion and that vitamin D improves insulin sensitivity
  • One study involving nearly 5,680 individuals with impaired glucose tolerance showed that vitamin D supplementation increased insulin sensitivity by 54 percent
  • The mechanisms by which vitamin D reduces insulin resistance include its effect on calcium and phosphorus metabolism and by upregulating the insulin receptor gene

A graph showing the relative risk of diabetes and 2 5 ( oh ) d.Incidence of several types of cancer could also be slashed in half, or more. Recent research reveals raising your serum 25(OH)D to 40 ng/ml can slash your risk of invasive cancers by 67 percent!

Most of the researchers specializing in vitamin D agree that sensible sun exposure is far better than vitamin D supplements which do not provide the same effects as the vitamin D your skin makes in response to UV exposure. However, chances are you’re simply not getting enough sun exposure to raise your vitamin D level.