The Blu Room Challenge…During the Blu Room Challenge we were looking for individuals willing to commit to 3 Blu Room sessions per week for 3 to 4 weeks. Below Carol one of our recent Challenger’s shares her story and experience.

A brief introduction…Carolis a 57 yr old female diagnosed with Leukemia and an enlarged spleen. She has received radiation to treat her spleen and is currently receiving chemotherapy 3 times a week for Leukemia. Carol currently is experiencing fatigue and has a rash on her legs. She would most like the Blu Room to help support her immune system as her body detoxifies and restore her over all health.

Week One…This week I have felt better than I have in 2 months. After the first session on Monday I had more energy and felt like doing things I hadn’t in awhile. On Wednesday after chemo I didn’t have the fatigue I normally had after treatment and didn’t even need a nap that day. The rash on my legs is slowly going away and I overall I just feel good. My mind feels clearer and I have a more positive attitude about my health. Looking forward to this coming week.

Week Two…This week has been another really good week for me. I was a little disoriented on Monday after the first visit of 6 minutes of the blu light, but that evening I was so focused I got things organized that I had been dreading doing. I have been a lot clearer in my thoughts and have felt like doing things again. I continue to have much more energy than before and just feel more like myself. The fatigue is basically gone after treatment and it feels so good to be able to watch my granddaughter play soccer, go out to lunch with friends, or help my son get things ready for some renovations. I don’t think I knew how really bad I felt until I started feeling better.

Week Three…I have had another really good week. My energy is still really good and I have been able to participate again in things that I had let slip because I was just too tired. I have noticed that my spleen has shrunk a little which is great. My mind is clearer and I get a lot more things done and I feel more like myself. At the beginning of the week Carol noted, “I just feel better overall since coming here.”

Carol has decided to keep with Blu Room treatments to further her healing… stay tuned for more updates in the future!