neuroplasticity noun

:the capacity for continuous alteration of the neural pathways and synapses of the living brain and nervous system in response to experience or injury

Our brains are truly amazing, aren’t they?

Have you ever watched one of those specials on someone who experienced an amazing, unexpected recovery after a traumatic brain injury, stroke, or other brain damage? Some of those stories seem like the only explanation is magic!

Although it certainly seems inexplicable, scientists have been hard at work studying exactly these cases over the last several decades, and have found the explanation behind the magic: neuroplasticity.

Excerpts from the Article What is Neuroplasticity?


Benefits Neuroplasticity Has on the Brain

  • Recovery from brain events like strokes;
  • Recovery from traumatic brain injuries;
  • Ability to rewire functions in the brain (e.g., if an area that controls one sense is damaged, other areas may be able to pick up the slack);
  • Losing function in one area may enhance functions in other areas (e.g., if one sense is lost, the others may become heightened);
  • Enhanced memory abilities;
  • Wide range of enhanced cognitive abilities;
  • More effective learning;
  • Help rewire depression and anxiety;
  • Chronic Pain issues;
  • and ADHD, OCD, and Autism spectrum patients.


Continue to Read the full Article and ‘stretch’ your neurons!!