No fluid buildup in heart sack!

Our dog Ramaya is an 11-year-old Golden Retriever. In June, we took her to the ER.

We learned she had a tumor on her heart and that fluid from the tumor had been filling the heart sack putting pressure on the heart. The vet drained the fluid and scheduled Ramaya for surgery to put a drain valve in the heart sack.

We started Ramaya in the Blu Pet while waiting for our surgery date. The day of surgery came and when they did an ultrasound, they found no fluid in the heart sack so they cancelled the surgery and told us to come back in two weeks.

Ramaya has done Blu Pet three times per week since July. She became more active and alert, happier and healthier. Each time we had an ultrasound, no fluid was found so they would extend the time before the next ultrasound.

Now five months since her initial diagnosis, Ramaya had another clear ultrasound with no detectable fluid around her heart sack.

Ramaya wakes up earlier and wants to play several times a day. Her mobility has also improved so that getting up from laying down is not difficult for her anymore.


Marthis and Tim


At Tyee Vet Clinic in Rainier, WA 360-446-8933

AndShiva Bluin Yelm, WA 360-458-5224


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