Priscilla is 74 years old. She enjoyed excellent health for all her life until she was diagnosed with severe anemia in 2018. A colonoscopy showed colon cancer. Priscilla underwent surgery and had the cancer removed – it was Stage 3. This was a huge life-altering shock for her. She started going to the Blu Room 2-3 times a week as soon as she knew of the diagnosis and then joined the Mercy Blu Room program in February 2019.
Priscilla recovered well after her surgery. She had some tests done in July 2019 indicating atherosclerosis. Priscilla was very proactive in learning about the different causes of illness and addressing them. She underwent intravenous chelation and nutritional therapy, daily nutritional optimization with altering her diet, lifestyle and using supplements, while she continued to focus on healing. She learned about the dental connection to illness and is now having her root canals removed.
Keeping her anxiety and stress level down has been one of the greatest challenges for Priscilla. The Blu Room has helped her tremendously with that. She reports that going to the Blu Room as well as engaging all these different modalities to heal herself has given her a solid sense of self. It is a feeling of reliance and trust in herself that she has the capacity to meet challenges full on and overcome anything.
In mid-2019 while in the Blu Room Priscilla had a physical experience of profound gratitude. She described it as an overwhelming feeling of realizing the blessing of her life and all the purposeful help she received on her journey. The role of RSE events and disciplines and the support of family and friends have been hugely instrumental in her journey.
Priscilla said, “In this past year, one healing experience has led to another and then led to yet another. I was exactly in the right place at the right time during the whole of 2019. This continues to this day. I have felt and continue to feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for my life.”
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD
Supervising physician, Mercy Blu Room program
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