The Blu Room®
Unlock your Unlimited Potential
Photo by Rory Siegel ©2018
What is the Blu Room®
An innovative leap in technology¦ narrowband UV-B Light, sound therapy, sacred geometry and the individuals intent all come together to help support the body’s own cellular healing process, spiritual development and accessing your unlimited mind. The Blu Room® is a patented technology, invented by JZ Knight and co-developed by Dr. Matthew Martinez. The Blu Room® is a very useful tool for anyone, including children and the elderly, who want to step out of their daily environment and improve their health. Users have reported a wide range of personal benefits, including; improved health and well-being, deep states of relaxation, relief from physical pain, mental stress and anxiety, faster healing process, increased creativity and greater self-awareness, and significant source of vitamin D.
Each session lasts 20 minutes and is a very personal experience that promotes deep focus, enabling attendees to target specific conditions and improve their wellbeing. At a minimum, attendees will receive a healthy dose of Vitamin D that will have a beneficial impact on their overall wellbeing from one session to another.

UV-B LIGHT {Vitamin D}
A truly powerful and important molecule within the body, one that JZ Knight, the inventor of the Blu Room®, and Dr. Matthew Martinez, co-developer, lovingly call Vitamin D, the “God-Hormone”. Each session in the Blu Room® provides the equivalent of a 10,000 to 30,000 IU oral dose of Vitamin D.
What IS Vitamin D?
Vitamin D is recognized as the sunshine vitamin being it is produced primarily through skin-absorption of solar UV-B. The specialized light narrowband spectrum the Blu Room® uses. Once the light is absorbed through the skin it is then converted within the body helping to maintain overall health in the body, scientists and doctors have observed Vitamin D playing an important role in:
- metabolism and hormone regulation
- mineral balance, notably calcium and phosphorus
- immune, neurological, and cardiovascular function
- epigenetics and DNA
A small amount of Vitamin D can be obtained through food in only a few naturally occurring sources such as oily fish (salmon), egg yolks and irradiated mushrooms. The primary source being through Sunlight — with increasingly more time spent indoors, as well as use of sun-protection the amount Vitamin D most people are receiving is greatly reduced — creating an epidemic of Vitamin D deficiencies.
Nearly every cell in the body are equipped with active receptor sites for the various forms of Vitamin D and can not function optimally without adequate blood serum levels. The skin, liver and kidney play a crucial role in the conversion of UV-B to Vitamin D and it’s subsequent forms. Further studies have found that Vitamin D is technically a steroid hormone and goes through a number of transformations within the body depending on which cells are utilizing it.
A quote from Michael Holick, leading researching in the field concludes, “Vitamin D can no longer be thought of as a nutrient necessary for the prevention of rickets among children. Vitamin D should be considered essential for overall health and well-being (Figure 10). Vitamin D deficiency and decreased exposure to solar UVB radiation have been demonstrated to increase the risks of many {diseases}…” (excerpt from American Journal of Clinical Nutrition)
Check out, “Where is the Research?” tab for links to science journals and medical studies.
How Much Do I Need?
The Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guidelines Committee recommendations to physicians, “…encourage a serum level of at least 30 ng/ml and 40-60 ng/ml as a good range.”
Vitamin D may come from UV, dietary intake, or supplements where the combined intake to meet physiological needs and support optimal health is estimated to be roughly 6,000-10,000 IUs/day to reach and maintain a 40 ng/ML. However, because of variations in individuals abilities to produce, absorb and/or convert Vitamin D testing bi-annually is highly recommended.
Check out, “Where is the Research?” tab for links to science journals and medical studies.
How to test for Vitamin D?
You can also order an in-home test kit such as ZRT Lab Complete Vitamin D Home Blood Test Kit (no affiliation to this lab/company).
Ideally retesting 2-3 times per year (once during peak of Summer and Winter) if you are not having any major health concern, more frequently if trying to establish higher levels or are dealing with major health concerns, as the kidney and liver function also play a role in our bodies ability to synthesis Vitamin D and may need additional support if not performing optimally.
What are signs of deficiencies?
It has been reported in medical journals that nearly 75% of American adults and teens have less than a 30 ng/mL level, and almost 90% deficient if increase to 40 ng/mL. The only way to determine your Vitamin D levels is to have a blood test.
These are only some general signs to be aware of and recommend to test levels regularly :
- Ongoing musculoskeletal pain and achy bones – can often be misdiagnosed as fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome.
- Frequent illness and infections – Vitamin D regulates the genes that influence your immune system, if deficient chronic colds and other infections are common.
- Neurological Symptoms – study’s have shown how low levels of Vitamin D have been linked to poor cognitive performance and even depression.
- Fatigue and Daytime Sleepiness – as Vitamin D levels increase many patients observed an increase in energy and were no longer experiencing fatigue.
- Head Sweating
Several factors can influence the risk of being Vitamin D deficient including the following :
- Rarely spending time outdoors, or always wearing sun protection.
- Darker Skin – since the skin pigmentation acts as a natural sunscreen, the more pigment you have the more time you will need to make Vitamin D. Very dark complexions many require as much as 10 times more exposure as a person with less pigment, or lighter skin.
- Being 50 or older – when skin typically becomes less able to produce Vitamin D and older adults also tend to spend more time indoors.
- Obesity – 3x more prevalent in obese reported by the British Journal of Nutrition.
- Gastrointestinal problems – since vitamin D is fat-soluble, when someone has a gastrointestinal condition usually the ability to absorb fat is diminished as well and is important in the body being able to utilize enough of the Vitamin D it is producing. This includes gut conditions such as Crohn’s, celiac/non-celiac gluten sensitivity and inflammatory bowel disease.
Check out, “Where is the Research?” tab for links to science journals and medical studies.
Where is the Research?
Interested in expanding your knowledge further… the links below are external sources to learn more and see research on this important field of study. Below are various links and resources we have used in various text across the site, we encourage you to also explore these links to discover more about Vitamin D.
Grassroots Health – The whole website is FULL of wonderful research specifically dedicated to the growing Vitamin D deficiency epidemic.
Mercola – Top 5 Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency
Michael F Holick, Sunlight and vitamin D for bone health and prevention of autoimmune diseases, cancers, and cardiovascular disease, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 80, Issue 6, December 2004, Pages 1678S–1688S,
Morris, Howard A. “Vitamin D: a hormone for all seasons–how much is enough?.” The Clinical biochemist. Reviews vol. 26,1 (2005): 21-32.
Vitamin D Council – is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in California, United States. We’re here to educate patients, families, doctors and health professionals on vitamin D and safe, sensible sun exposure to improve the quality and longevity of lives.
Sound Therapy {Theta Brain State}
The theta brain state is a slower rate of brainwave that occurs during deep focus or during dream sleep. The theta state can be accompanied by vivid imagery, creative thoughts, insights, and inspiration. Many Blu Room users report experiences similar to the theta state, including temporary loss of awareness of time, a sense of detachment, even mild euphoria.
What IS the Theta Brain State?
Theta is one of five brain wave types observed including;
- Beta (14 – 40 Hz) The Waking Consciousness & Reasoning Wave
- Alpha (7.5 – 14 Hz) The Deep Relaxation Wave
- Theta (4-7.5 Hz) The Light Meditation and Sleeping Wave
- Delta (0.5 – 4 Hz) The Deep Sleep Wave
- Gamma (above 40 Hz) – The Insight Wave
Each frequency is measured in cycles per second (Hz)
Theta acts as a bridge to deep learning and comprehensive memory. In Theta, our senses are withdrawn from the external world and focused on signals originating from within our body and cells. This state can induce behavioral changes as well as reprogramming of old beliefs within the subconscious mind.
“It is said that a sense of deep spiritual connection and unity with the universe can be experienced at Theta.” – Mind Valley
Sound Therapy Frequencies
The Solfeggio Frequencies are the main frequencies discussed with Sound Therapy and some of the following tones are the more commonly used and their corresponding use;
- 174 Hz Reduce pain physically and energetically, sense of security, safety and love.
- 285 Hz Influences energy fields, sending cellular message to restructure damaged organs. Rejuvenated and energized.
- 396 Hz Turning grief into joy, liberating guilt and fear.
- 417 Hz Cleanses past trauma, clears past events and facilitating change.
- 432 Hz* Overall cellular repair.
- 538 Hz Brings transformation and miracles into your life. DNA repair including increased life-energy, clarity of mind, awareness, creativity, states of deep peace and intuition.
- 639 Hz Re-connecting and balancing relationships. Harmonious community and interpersonal relationships. Enhances communication, understanding, tolerance and love.
- 741 Hz Solving problems and enhancing power of self-expression. Also shown to cleans cells of various toxins and electromagnetic radiations.
- 852 Hz Awakening intuition and returning to highest-spiritual order.
- 963 Hz Awakens any system to its original, perfect state.
We play a variety of sound frequencies within the Blu Room, if there is a special frequency track you enjoy playing during your meditation or while you sleep you can also bring that track in with you on your cell phone or ipod/etc.
111 HZ
Findings of MRI scans suggest that at exactly 111hz, the brain switches off the prefrontal cortex, deactivating the language centre, and temporary switches from left to right-sided dominance , that is responsible for intuition, creativity, holistic processing, inducing a state of meditation or a trance.
There are a number of megalithic sites and ancient temples that all resonate specific frequencies some embodying the 111hz one including, The Maltese Hypogeum is a temple hewn out of the rock during 3600-2500BC that covers some 500m2 with the lowest room being around 11 metres under the ground, mirroring Temples above the ground that are the oldest free standing structures on Earth. Testing that analysed the sound within the Oracle Chamber in the Hypogeum found to match the same pattern of resonance at the frequency of 111 Hz.
A program is about to be downloaded to your channel about dialing in frequencies in sound in the Blu Room that have to do with immortality, and the next step. That is under way as we speak. So the next time you go to one of those appointments, you are going to have a sound system added to it that is going to vibrate your DNA. So be that.
Moments with the Master
January 5, 2019
Clients who have recently added the 111HZ to their sessions commented…
My body was even more relaxed. Loving this!
Really like the sound and feel of this frequency. Seems to go deep.
Felt tingling all over, like when you sit on legs too long. I went deep and was slow to come back.
More detached than usual! Soft, fuzzy, buffered sensation all around me like a deep massage or a long, hot bath.
Put me in a totally different reality. Didn’t want to leave.
Deeper, and quicker getting to free space. Ended much sooner than expected. Didn’t want it to end.

Sacred Geometry {Beyond the Space}
Uncovering Ancient Knowledge
The room has an octagonal shape, which has been geometrically significant throughout history and among other things symbolizes regeneration, totality, infinity, rebirth, and transition.
Mindful Intention {Power of the Mind}
Intention is a mental state that represents a commitment to carrying out an action or actions in the future. Intention involves mental activities such as planning and forethought.
Setting your Intention
“Setting an intention” is one piece of creating new neural pathways within the mind. Although Science is just starting to understand and document the phenomenal complexity of the subconscious, mystics and ancient text have shared a glimpse of insight of the mind’s truly unlimited potential.
One of the first steps to changing old patterns is recognizing that they are there and then actively choosing to rewrite the old neural pathway with a new one. Because of what we discussed in the previous section, Theta Brain States, the Blu Room® becomes a very useful tool to helping us focus and create new pathways.
New Neurological Pathways
Neurological Pathways are defined as a series of connected nerves along which electrical impulses travel in the body. When we continue to exercise the same pathways (or thought patterns) we continue to reinforce that connection. In order to create a new path we must discontinue using the old path (or thought) and consistently use the more desired connection. For example, someone continually saying to themselves or others; I never feel well, I am always getting sick, or I am always sad, although all of these may be a truthful reflection of how you are feeling when repeated over and over the brain is receiving these electrical thought impulses, in order for one to start creating new pathways using the same examples; I am feeling better each day, I have a strong immune system, or I can find happiness anywhere. It takes time and self-dedication to create new habits as often the old patterns we are trying to rewrite have been with us since childhood.